From June 26-July 1st, 151 youth and 35 adult staff from across the NCCUMC gathered at NC Wesleyan University for a week of fun, worship, fellowship, and celebrating the 80s in the spirit of Stranger Things.

Rev. Sarah Majors from Open Table UMC served as pastor in residence for the week and brought the theme, “Miracles: There are Stranger Things,” to life, guiding youth through stories of liberation in scripture. She challenged the camp to consider how the liberation of the Israelites in the book of Exodus was a spiritual liberation as well as a physical one and what that might mean for us today to explore the narrative with a new lens, and even more, how Jesus brings healing and liberation of the heart and spirit, not just the body in his recorded miracles.

Students spent the week in Growth Groups exploring the theme and scripture at a deeper level, working on mission projects such as dental hygiene kits and baffles for Habitat for Humanity. They practiced social justice through voting on resolutions in legislative affairs, elected new officers (listed below), and of course, the annual Staff vs. Camper Volleyball and Basketball games.

Bishop Connie Shelton joined us for the dance on Tuesday and helped lead some “Christian Calisthenics” in the form of “The Rick Moser Dance” and a conga line!
Breakaway 2023 was a spirit-filled week of energy and celebration and a reminder of what the Church can be at its very best, welcoming all and living together as a community of faith. We look forward to a bright future for Conference Youth Ministry in the NC Conference and set our eyes toward Pilgrimage in November.
2023-2024 Officers
- President – Emily Johnson
- Vice President – Caroline Kitchings
- Secretary – Anna Kathryn (AK) Foster
- Treasurer – Yani Anwar
- LAP (Legislative Affairs Person) – Haley DiFruscio
Article: Jen Haselden, Overall Dean, Breakaway 2023
Images: Jen Haselden and Lydia Cauley