Youth aging out of foster care are the highest risk population in adulthood for poverty, unemployment, incarceration, homelessness, and mental illness. Open Table (not the church in Raleigh! not the wonderful ministry in Durham! but another equally worthy ministry opportunity!) is a model for surrounding people with love and support to help them navigate the systems most of us take for granted. Open Table research shows that an individual or family can implement a plan to achieve their own vision for a better life with the support of a small group of volunteers who develop reciprocal relationships and invest their relational and social capital in the plan.
We are looking for a few good church groups to change the lives of individuals aging out of foster care!
Some statistics to consider:
- 97% will not earn a college degree
- 50% will not finish high school
- Have twice the rate of PTSD as veterans
- 50% will be unemployed with no earnings
- Average annual income of $7,500
- 25% are homeless within 6 months
- 71% of females are pregnant by age 21
- 60% of all sex trafficked persons have been in foster care
Outcomes from research on Open Table:
*95% of Friends remained in relationship with their Table members 2 or more years after the formal Table ended. *95% of respondents reported that they were optimistic about their future ability to be self-supported. *95% of respondents noted that they would like to serve on a Table to help someone else in the future. *91% identified feeling like they were part of a new family or extended family *85% of graduates had a better job and/or were in a college or technical school after their Table experiences ended. *82% had a more positive view of the future and personal character growth *73% reported having enhanced self-confidence
Check out this video testimonial:
For more information:
Or contact Angie Williams: