The Annual Conference 2023 Laity Executive Session opened with worship, prayer, and introductions of the Board of Laity by Conference Lay Leader, John Hall.
Will Rouse, Conference Youth President, invited Conference Laity to ponder and learn about youth involvement at the local, district, and conference levels. The conference youth also led the laity in “Christian Calisthenics.”

Laity across the conference shared stories of engaging, celebrating, connecting, equipping, and sending with the group. After their stories, session members were invited to discuss their answers to, “What do you and your church family need to fulfill God’s vision of engaging, connecting, equipping, and sending?” with their neighbors.
- Cherry Point UMC member Michelle Pierce shared their Broken Shells Ministry.
- Aldersgate UMC members shared their “Undie Sunday” ministry.
- The Beacon District Anti-Racism team shared their joint community picnic, Ash Wednesday, and Trinity Sunday Block Party with their local AME Zion church.
- Queen St. UMC shared their Hand in Hand ministry partnership with Southeast Elementary School.
Dr. Christine Dodson, Conference Treasurer, instructed the laity on the logistics of Annual Conference. Lay Servant Ministry classes were highlighted by Conference Lay Servant Ministries Chair, Ann Davis.

Roxie Lee-Floyd presented about United Women in Faith and announced the election of their new General Secretary and Chief Executive Officer, Sally Vonner. Bill Huggins presented on United Methodist Men and their efforts to try and reach younger men in ministry.
To conclude the session, the laity were led in a song and prayer.