Disaster response and recovery efforts are ongoing in Nash and Edgecombe Counties following an EF3 tornado on July 19, 2023. Early Response Teams (ERT) and volunteers from across the NC Conference have been working in the area over the last several days to help remove debris.
On July 23, over fifty youth and adults from fifteen United Methodist Churches volunteered to help with clean-up efforts. Rev. Dr. David Joyner, pastor at First UMC in Rocky Mount, said, “We have really seen the Connection be the church! The future is bright, and I am proud to be UMC!”

Volunteers are needed to help with debris cleanup. Volunteers do not have to be Early Response Team certified. Volunteers must be 16 years or older. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Disaster Ministries Call Center at 888-440-9167 or disaster@nccumc.org to schedule your team.
Please continue praying for those impacted by the tornado. We will continue to share more information on our Tornado Response Updates page.