Conference Director of Youth Ministries, Rev. Jason Villegas, and CCYM (Conference Council on Youth Ministry) Co-Chairs Rev. Heather Wong and Jenn Tabor share an update about Conference Youth Ministry.
2024 Mission Seed Fund Applications Open Now!
My favorite question is, “How is the Holy Spirit leading you, and how can I help?” The goal of Mission Seed Funds is to assist congregations in starting new ministries that empower folks to connect with and serve their neighbors.
Priority will be given to those addressing the main focus areas of the North Carolina Conference:
- Making Disciples
- Anti-racism
- Congregations for Children (C4C)
- Healthy Congregations
- Unity
2024 applications are due NO LATER THAN October 20, 2023
Funds will be distributed in March 2024
Please read all descriptive information before submitting your application!
Photo by Sunguk Kim on Unsplash
Our Health, Our Changing World
In all the years I’ve been a pastor, there is one thing I can count on Sunday after Sunday: when I ask the congregation if there are prayer requests, we will hear about who is sick, who is facing surgery, and who is recovering. These prayer requests remind me: as much as we might like to spiritualize our lives, we are always irrevocably tied to this physical reality we live in. What happens to our bodies impacts our souls. This is why we Christians are, rightfully, concerned about health.

Just as we cannot separate our bodies from our souls, we cannot separate our lives from the world around us. I recently heard a podcaster say, “I’m addicted to breathing.” That’s an addiction we all share. Yet we take for granted how the world around us impacts our health. We tend to silo things, separating issues into their own category and blinding ourselves to the connections between these categories. In terms of health, we separate our physical health, mental health, and the health of our environment, often not grasping the interrelatedness of it all.
Two of our Season of Creation webinars will be addressing this connection between our health and our changing world. Read on for more information, and to register for the webinars.
(Note: Registration is required for all webinars separately. All webinars will be recorded and the videos sent to those who registered.)
Heat Resiliency and the Local Community
September 12, 2023
Our world is getting warmer and our weather is changing. Here in North Carolina, we are seeing great changes in the type of rain storms we get, the frequency of extreme storms, and, most notably yet most often overlooked, hotter nights. These changes, and the overall hotter weather, puts many of our most vulnerable neighbors at danger.
Higher heat during the day is an immediate threat to all those who work outside, who work in manufacturing, and who have underlying health concerns; it is an underlying threat to all of us. Many who are dealing with chronic illness, such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems, do not realize the increased dangers the weather has on them. Additionally, studies have shown a link between mental health and high heat, including an increase in harmful actions towards self and others.
In our webinar Heat Resiliency and the Local Community, we will learn about how rising temperatures negatively impact our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, as well as what can be done, individually and corporately, to address these heat-caused concerns.

This seminar will be presented by Dr. Ashely Ward. Dr. Ward is the director of the Heat Policy Innovation Hub, a part of the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainability at Duke University. Dr. Ward is a climate-health and resilience professional. Her career has focused on engaging communities to identify and address issues related to climate change, and helping communities develop long-term, sustainable strategies relevant to their community needs. As Director of the Heat Policy Innovation Hub, Dr. Ward works with communities, public agencies, and policymakers to create and inform effective policy solutions to extreme heat.
Follow this link to register for this webinar.
Eco-Grief: How Do We Respond to Climate Change?
September 19, 2023
The threat of climate change can be paralyzing. We have heard stories from many people who are despairing about the future for their children and grandchildren, with many uncertain if there will be a livable future at all.
Yet Christians are to be a people of hope.
How do we balance this call for hope with our anxiety for the future? How do we face tomorrow if we fear our tomorrows are running out? How do we move forward in the midst of such anxiety?
In Eco-Grief: How Do We Respond to Climate Change? psychiatrist Brendan Johnson and eco-theologian Ryan Cagle will consider these questions and more. They will explore this relatively new area of mental health, as well as the connection between our anxiety and our spirits.

D. Brendan Johnson MD MTS is training to be a psychiatrist at Brigham & Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School and is a recent graduate of Duke Divinity School’s Theology, Medicine, and Culture fellowship. He has published and spoken at academic conferences about topics like health as a human right, health and economics, and ethics during the climate crisis. Along with friends from across the world, he hosts the “Social Medicine On Air” podcast. He has is especially interested in how theology and religious communities can use their spiritual and material resources to take part in the fight against injustice.

Ryan Cagle is a self described trailer trash pentecostal seeking to cultivate an eco-liberation theology for the end of the world in the backwoods of Alabama. He is currently in the process of being ordained in the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) tradition and co-organizes a ministry called Jubilee House, alongside his wife, that works to sow seeds of imagination that can grow into lives of prophetic resistance.
Please register for Eco-Grief: How Do We Respond to Climate Change? by following this link.
And don’t forget about the final webinar in our Season of Creation series:
Energy Use and God’s Creation
September 26, 2023
What measures can individuals and congregations take to save energy and reduce carbon waste? What renewable and sustainable energy options are out there? How are the Bible and God’s teachings connected to our power bills?
Join us on September 26 to learn answers to these questions and more. Our time together will be led by John Rees.
John Rees is a retired Energy Engineer from NC State University and is active with several organizations focused on care of Creation. He performs energy audits for North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light and Waste Reduction Partners.
Need Help?
Got questions? Are you struggling to plan your own Season of Creation observances? Want to request a speaker to come to your church, small group, Bible study, or other group? Want to find others in your area who are involved in creation care ministries?
For any help or guidance, reach out to Jarrod Davis ( and he will be glad to assist.
Tropical Storm Idalia Update: August 31
Thank you to all who have reached out to assist with disaster response efforts. NC Conference Disaster Ministries has connected with contacts across the Conference to assess needs and damages. So far, impacts have been localized damage, and there have not been Early Response needs requested.
If your church sustained damages, please contact your District Disaster Response Coordinator and District Superintendent. If your community was affected by the storm, please contact the Disaster Call Center at 888-440-9167 or
We have reached out to the Florida and South Carolina Conferences, and our team is sending flood buckets and other materials to the Florida Conference this week. If an invitation for Early Response Teams or supplies is received, we will contact our teams. Please do not self-deploy teams or supplies.
Our hearts and prayers are with all who have been affected by the storm. If you would like to share your gifts with those in need, donations can be made to the UMCOR US Disaster Response and Recovery Advance #901670.
Do You Speak English?
Then you are a good candidate for tutoring English to good Christian friends all over the world!

During the spring semester, we served over 40 missionaries in 15 different countries through weekly online tutoring via Zoom.
Here is the tentative schedule for your information:
* Team 1 (Asian Countries)- First day of semester : 9/24 (Sunday) 8 pm in EST = 9/25(Monday) 8 am- Last day of semester : 12/7 (Thursday) in EST
* Team 2 (Middle Eastern Countries)- First day of semester : 9/26 (Tuesday) 11 am in EST – Last day of semester : 12/7 (Thursday)
If you are interested in volunteering this semester, please use the QR code in the flyer to sign up for tutoring, or you can use this link instead:
Hurricane Idalia Update: August 29
Disaster Ministries is continuing to monitor the forecasts for Hurricane Idalia. We want you to be well-prepared and know where to get helpful information.
🧰 Prepare
Do you have a disaster plan? Here are a few steps you can take to prepare for hurricane season.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance company for more information.
⛪️ Preparation Resources for Churches
- Create a disaster plan or review your current church plan. Download a church disaster plan template.
- Compile a list of contact information of the congregation and staff. Create a calling tree to check on congregation members following a storm.
- Make sure to have copies of essential documents.
- Prepare the church property. Make sure loose items are secure and weatherize the building. Check to see what your church’s insurance covers, how to file storm damage claims, and take an inventory of the church to document items and their conditions.
- View an overview of what to do when a disaster strikes. Download a PDF.
- View more church resources on our Preparation page.
🏠 Preparation Resources for Individuals
- Create an emergency kit for you and your family. Don’t forget your pets when you are gathering supplies. Visit the American Red Cross, FEMA, or ReadyNC website for a list of items to include in your kit. Watch a bilingual video from NC State Extension on building a disaster kit.
- Create an emergency plan. Establish a calling tree, locate storm shelters, and make necessary arrangements for your pets.
- Make sure to secure loose items, weatherize your home, and take an inventory of items and their conditions.
- Talk with your insurance company in advance to see what your plan covers and how to properly file storm damage claims.
- Stay up to date with the latest weather updates, know where emergency shelters are located, and what the evacuation routes are for your location.
- View more resources on our Preparation page.
📢 Latest Weather Updates
You can stay updated on the latest weather updates by checking out the National Hurricane Center and National Weather Service websites for Raleigh, Wilmington, and Morehead City.
📱Local Church Disaster Response Contact
We need your help! Are you ready to make a difference?
Disaster Ministries is seeking a Local Church Disaster Response (LCDR) Contact from each local church within the NC Conference. The LCDR contact will serve as a vital point of contact for us to reach out to in the event of a disaster. By having a contact from each local church, we can enhance our response efforts and communication.
Please complete our Local Church Disaster Response Contact form to help us better serve our community in times of need.
Complete the Local Church Disaster Response Contact Form→
✉️ Sign Up for Updates from Disaster Ministries
Are you interested in learning more about response efforts, training, events, preparation resources, or updates on weather events? Sign up to receive updates from NC Conference Disaster Ministries.
👷 Training
Learn how to prepare your home, church, and community for disasters through Early Response Team training and Connecting Neighbors. View our Training page to register for an upcoming class.
Interested in hosting a training at your church? Contact Ann Huffman, NC Conference Disaster Response Coordinator, to schedule a class.