News & Stories
Servicio de Viernes Santo 2021: “Las Siete Palabras del Pueblo Inmigrante”
Las palabras de Jesús desde la cruz, dan voz a la experiencia de los oprimidos, y a las experiencia que muchas veces enfrenta el pueblo inmigrante. Cada palabra es interpretada […] Continue Reading→
Day 39 – Marisol Hernández
When I was a teenager, there was a popular game called blind man’s bluff. The game consisted of one person who was blindfolded and then disoriented. The other players had […] Continue Reading→
Day 38 – Rev. Ismael Ruiz-Millán
“I Thirst” is the statement carved on one of the sides at the Communion table in Goodson Chapel at Duke Divinity School. During Lent, as one enters into the chapel […] Continue Reading→
Creation Care Moment for March: Supporting NC Native Plants this Spring
As spring comes to North Carolina, check out you can support native plants in your local ecosystems. Whether it’s your garden, neighborhood park, or even your school, you can help […] Continue Reading→
Conference Connectional Table Approves 2023 Budget & Sends to CFA for Approval
The Conference Connectional Table (CCT) met February 24 by Zoom to ready the 2023 budget proposal for presentation to the Council on Finance and Administration (CFA). After discussion, the budget […] Continue Reading→
Day 37 – Rev. Sunny Limm
When I was a kid, I watched a movie where a driver made a mistake and got into a fatal car accident. It was a quite traumatic moment that I […] Continue Reading→
Reimagine Worship with These Resources
As the weather warms and vaccines are administered, churches may consider what the future of worship looks like. How can you use this time of transition to reimagine the worship […] Continue Reading→
connections: Vigilance
As we move through Holy Week, Bishop Ward reminds us to be vigilant in keeping our eyes on Jesus so we will be witness to the most surprising and astonishing moment in human history. Continue Reading→
Day 36 – Rev. Juan Turcios
Before the pandemic, my house had three plants. These past six months, my partner has been adding dozens of plants to our home, but somehow, I am always on watering […] Continue Reading→