The NC Conference recommends the following grants, scholarships, and loans available to United Methodist churches and ministry leaders in the North Carolina Conference. These programs are funded by the Conference or our partner organizations.
The funding opportunities listed here have application deadlines in the near future. Additional funding opportunities will be available later in the year. View the complete list at Grants, Scholarships & Loans.
Upcoming Deadlines
Peace with Justice NC CONFERENCE BOARD OF CHURCH AND SOCIETY Is your church ready to step beyond charity and into solidarity and justice ministries? Funded by Peace with Justice Sunday offerings, these grants are possible because Methodists share their gifts generously and share the vision of justice ministries. Applications Due 1/8/25 or 3/31/25. |
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Equipping the Local Church Grant THE FOUNDATION FOR EVANGELISM The grant focus is to launch an experiment or initiative to share the Gospel, tell faith stories, and invite others into a relationship with Jesus. Applications Due 2/28/25. |
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Youth Service Fund NC CONFERENCE YOUTH MINISTRIES YSF is money raised by youth and spent by youth to benefit youth. Our YSF Task Force is made up of the Conference Youth Treasurer and one youth representative from each district who determine how YSF monies from the NC Conference are spent. Applications Due 2/28/25. |
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Intentional Growth Center (IGC) SOUTHEASTERN JURISDICTION OF THE UMC The IGC seeks to fund educational events or programs that increase pastoral and congregational effectiveness in order to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Applications Due 1/31/25. |
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Reynolds Ministry Fund UNITED METHODIST FOUNDATION OF WESTERN NC Grants from the Reynolds Ministry Fund make an impact in Western North Carolina and beyond – fueling missional social enterprise, outreach to unhoused neighbors, youth outreach, and more. Applications Due 2/1/25. |
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Josephine Forman Scholarship GENERAL COMMISSION ON ARCHIVES AND HISTORY GCAH funds the Josephine Forman scholarship each year to provide financial support to minority students pursuing graduate education in archival science, to encourage students to pursue a career as an archivist, and to promote the diversification of the American archives profession. Applications Due 2/1/25. |
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Racial-Ethnic Local Church Grants GENERAL BOARD OF GLOBAL MINISTRIES These grants assist local congregations with projects and programs focusing on leadership development, church growth and development, ministry with the poor, and health ministries. Applicant churches must have at least a 51% majority nonwhite congregation. Applications Due 3/7/25. |
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Clergy Renewal Programs LILLY ENDOWMENT National Clergy Renewal Programs provide an opportunity for pastors to step away briefly from the persistent obligations of daily parish life and engage in a period of renewal and reflection. Applications Due 3/12/25. |
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Grants/Awards for Students and Researchers GENERAL COMMISSION ON ARCHIVES AND HISTORY GCAH is calling for students and researchers to apply for grants and awards offered in a number of fields of study, including United Methodist history, particularly as it relates to women and ethnic groups, and archival science. Applications Due 3/17/25. |
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Comprehensive Plan of Inclusiveness NC CONFERENCE RACE EQUITY & JUSTICE MINISTRIES The project must relate to the CPI and must be developed by one or more United Methodist local church(es) with priority given to ethnic churches. The project must address one or more chronic social problems or concerns that impact United Methodist ethnic local churches or ethnic persons. Applications Due 3/31/25. |
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GBHEM Scholarships GENERAL BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND MINISTRY Students can submit one general application, which will be screened for all possible eligible programs. Applicant must be an active, full member of The United Methodist Church for at least one year and pursuing a degree program at an accredited institution within the U.S. Applications Due 3/31/25. |
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UMHEF Scholarships UNITED METHODIST HIGHER EDUCATION FOUNDATION UMHEF scholarships help make it financially possible for qualifying students to obtain higher education, especially those attending United Methodist-related institutions. Applications Due 4/1/25. |
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Global Youth Service Fund DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES OF THE UMC The Global YSF is a unique grant program within the UMC because all aspects involve youth. Youth create fundraisers and contribute money, youth decide what projects receive money, and all of the projects supported must be youth-designed, led by youth, and benefit young people. Applications Due 4/15/25. |
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Grants for Ministries with Young People DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES OF THE UMC Young People’s Ministries offers these grants through their program budget because they believe that dynamic, creative individuals and groups sometimes need resources to help a ministry become reality. These grants are meant to support creative and innovative approaches to ministry for, with, and by young people. Applications Due 4/15/25. |
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Rolling Deadlines
The following opportunities accept applications throughout the year or on a rolling basis. Follow each link for more information.
Course of Study
The NC Conference provides reimbursement of registration costs for the Course of Study programs, including Basic and Advanced COS.
Continuing Education
Continuing Education funds are for clergy currently under appointment. Opportunities include Clinical Pastoral Education, Holy Land trips, and more.
Clergy Counseling
The Clergy Care Committee provides financial assistance to clergy families of the NC Conference who seek confidential counseling and therapy.
Board of Mission Church Loans
The loan fund was established to enable United Methodist churches of the NC Conference to realize some of their dreams for mission and ministry.
UMVIM Missional Exchange Grants
Missional Exchange Grants are intended to encourage UMVIM initiatives by various groups. Team leader training by the Conference UMVIM Committee is required to qualify for this grant.
UMVIM Scholarships for Individuals
NCC UMVIM offers scholarships to individuals from The Amanda Lee Scholarship Fund and The Jason K. Branton Scholarship Fund.
Golden Cross
Golden Cross is a ministry that reaches out in love to the laity in our Annual Conference who are experiencing financial difficulty due to excessive medical expenses. Recipients must be active United Methodist members and be recommended for assistance by their pastor.
One Who is Loved
This permanent endowment makes possible love gifts to benefit children under the age of 18 who have special needs such as specialized medical equipment or supplies/medicine, transportation to hospitals or treatment centers, or other special needs. Pastors are encouraged to recommend children for the fund.
Hispanic-Latinx Ministries
The NC Annual Conference offers funding to enable Pilgrimage participation by Hispanic/Latinx youth.
Refugee and Immigrant Communities
Churches can now complete one of three short Google forms to request monetary assistance to assist refugees and immigrants for: Refugees’ or immigrants’ filing and legal fees; Refugees’ or immigrants’ resettlement and transition expenses; Projects impacting the refugee/immigrant community. Applications are reviewed quarterly.
Retired/Medical Leave Clergy Grants
A retired pastor and their spouse can qualify for a one-time grant of up to $10,000 each or $20,000 total. They may reapply in subsequent years, especially if they have a chronic ongoing medical condition. Grants may also be given to pastors on medical leave and their spouses, or widows of pastors. Grants may also be given to retired pastors or pastors on medical leave that are legal custodians for their adult children that may have a medical issue from childhood. Grants may also be given to retired pastors or pastors on medical leave that are legal custodians for their grandchildren that may have a medical crisis or issue, regardless of age.
Farmer Fund Grant
Distressed clergy members or former clergy members of an annual conference; their spouses, former spouses, former surviving spouses; or surviving dependent children (including adult dependent children) are eligible to apply for a grant. The applicant is required to attach additional documentation pertaining to any unusual medical, legal, or other expenses that have created this one-time emergency situation.
Clergy Debt Relief Program
In partnership with Wespath, the Interfaith Federal Credit Union offers opportunity for active and retired clergy to make significant progress toward relieving their overall debt burden. Clergy can borrow up to $20,000 to alleviate high-interest debt.
UMCOR Grants
UMCOR offers grants for Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation, Relief, Recovery, and Migration. UMCOR’s core values of equality and justice, respect with dignity, and good stewardship are reflected in UMCOR’s grant-making priorities.
Multiethnic Ministries Grants
GBGM accepts applications monthly for Asian American Language Ministry grants, Community Developers Program Seed grants, Community Engagement grants – United Methodist Voluntary Service, Native American Ministries grants, and Pacific Islander Ministry Plan grants.
Mustard Seed Migration Grants
UMCOR will award grants of $2,000 USD to up to 100 United Methodist local churches in the U.S. to engage in new, one-time community-based service projects and ministries focused on migrants and refugees.
First come, first served until 9/1/25.