We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of November.
NC Conference
- The November Monthly Resource Flyer centered on Native American Heritage Month.
- The NC Conference partnered with the Western NC Conference to display billboards across the state with the message, “Hate Divides, Love Unites.”
- Bishop Shelton celebrated the work of Native American clergy and the Committee on Native American Ministries and emphasized the importance of acknowledging the complexities of Thanksgiving’s history. Watch the video message.
Center for Leadership Excellence
- Registration opened for the next webinar in the Leadership and Church Administration series on completing Conference statistical table reports.
- New Faith Communities and the Center for Leadership Excellence partnered for a Fresh Expressions Day of Learning with Rev. Michael Beck.
Christian Formation
- The Bishop’s Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and the Board of Church and Society announced a Lenten Study centered on Gun Violence Prevention.
- Rev. Eunsoo Kang attended the Young Adult Clergy Leadership Forum hosted by the General Board of Church and Society in Washington, D.C.
Laity Ministries
- Registration opened for the winter quarter Lay Servant Ministries classes.
- Registration opened for an online half day Safe Sanctuaries training.
Media Center
New Faith Communities
- Read the latest newsletter centered on God’s Stirring.
Office of Clergy Life
- Registration opened for the Clergy Ethics training.
Outreach Ministry
- Global Ministries commissioned sixty-seven Earthkeepers, two of which are in the NC Conference.
- Disaster Ministries hosted Early Response Team training. View upcoming courses or schedule a training at your church.
Treasurer’s Office
- Registration opened for the local church treasurer training.
- View resources to help prepare your church property for winter weather.
Youth Ministries
- Read a recap of the Youth in Unity event.
- 1,570 youth, leaders, and volunteers gathered for Pilgrimage 2024.