We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of September.
NC Conference
- On September 14, the judge granted the motion to dismiss the case filed against the NC Conference of The United Methodist Church by former members of Fifth Avenue UMC over the closure of the church. The order was filed in New Hanover County on September 15. Read the full announcement.
- Bishop Connie Shelton announced the appointment of Rev. Dennis Peay as Conference Statistician, effective October 1, 2023. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rev. George Speake for his dedicated service as Statistician for over 32 years.
- The Co-Chairspersons for the General Conference Host Committee shared an update on the volunteer sign-up form for General Conference.
Laity Ministries
- Lay Servant Ministries hosted events on “Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM History)” and “Life Together in the UM Connection (Polity).”
Media Center
Office of Clergy Life
- The Executive Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, Bishop Shelton, and The Cabinet met to build relationships, listen to one another, and more fully live into values of transparency and accountability. The group committed themselves to meeting regularly in order to further their efforts to call, equip, and sustain effective clergy leaders in the NC Conference.
Outreach Ministry
- Applications for 2024 Mission Seed Funds opened. The application deadline is October 20.
- The Creation Care Committee shared how churches can become involved with creation care through the Green Church Initiative.
- September was National Preparedness Month. Disaster Ministries shared ways you can prepare your home and church.
- Disaster Ministries hosted Early Response Team Training in the Fairway and Sound Districts.
- September was the Season of Creation, and the Creation Care Committee hosted several webinars throughout the month in observation.
Race Equity & Justice Ministries
- The first “Training 4 Trainers” program began for the Holistic Equity Anti-Racism Training (H.E.A.R.T.) Experience. Learn more about the H.E.A.R.T. Curriculum.
The UM Collective
- Members of Wesley Memorial UMC in Wilmington shared what it means to them for their church to be a Lighthouse Congregation. Watch now.
Treasurer’s Office
- The Treasurer’s Office hosted a discussion on local church property insurance renewals and trends impacting local churches in the property insurance industry.
- Alex Benefits Counselor was updated for 2024.
Youth Ministries