October is Clergy Appreciation Month, and we are incredibly thankful for the clergy across our connection for their dedication and commitment to serving others.
We celebrate our clergy during October and every day of the year. Thank you for all you do for your communities and congregations!
As we celebrate our clergy, here are some clergy care resources that may be helpful:
Clergy Care: Rest, Renewal, and Respite
View resources and opportunities to retreat, rest, and renew.
Resources in the NC Conference Media Center for pastors and churches.
50 Ways to Support Your Pastor’s Well-Being
Wespath shares ways Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committees and congregations can support their pastor’s well-being.
Congregational and Clergy Health
View resources for clergy to support their health and well-being and congregational resources to support clergy and their families.
The Clergy Health Initiative researches physical, mental, and spiritual well-being issues specific to United Methodist Clergy in North Carolina.
Program by The United Methodist Foundation of North Carolina to help clergy and their families.