On March 30 and 31, UMAC (the United Methodist Association of Communicators) gathered for their annual meeting. This is the third year that the conference has met virtually.

The two-day event is a mixture of business, training, and celebratory events, including an awards presentation. Each year, communicators from across the global connection are invited to submit their work for award consideration in 10 classes covering various categories, including print and digital media, websites, audio and video production, and more.
This year, the North Carolina Conference Communications Team submitted five entries for consideration and were honored to win two first-place awards:
- The NC Conference mobile app won first place in Class 4, Internet Communications, Mobile Apps Category
- The Anti-Racism Resources page won first place in Class 8, Visual Design, Website Category
Congratulations to the entire Communications team for the first-place award for the app and to Linda Smith and Laura Dallas for their award for the Anti-Racism page.

Other submitted entries included the “Procession of Peace” video, the video of Bishop Ward’s retirement last year, and an episode of the “Deep Reckonings” podcast featuring Angie Hong. Past UMAC awards include the “40 Days of Reflections” Lenten coloring book, Every Day Grace Magazine, numerous videos, and most recently, Communicator of the Year honors for Derek Leek, Director of Communications.
Congratulations to our Communications Team for these well-deserved honors! We are grateful for all the ways that the Communications Team works to support the ministries of the NC Conference.
To see all the awards, visit umcommunicators.org.