We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of February.
- Bishop Fairley shared a message, “Make It Plain,” in observance of Black History Month.
- A new, weekly bible study podcast with Belton Joyner was released. Listen and subscribe to “God’s Gift of Scripture with Belton Joyner.”
- Episode 5 of “Grace for the Future” was released. The episode features Bishop Fairley, Rev. Dr. Jean Hawxhurst, and Rev. Dr. Gray Southern.
- Deacon Endowment grant applications opened.
- The Conference Health Committee shared two updates from their conversations with Disaster Medicine expert, Dr. Wes Wallace. Watch the latest update from February 22 and visit our Coronavirus Response page for additional resources.
- The #BeUMC focus theme for February was Committed. Learn more about the campaign, watch new video testimonials, and share A Prayer for the Committed People of God.
- The Conference Connectional Table approved the 2024 budget and sent the presentation to the Council of Finance and Administration for consideration.
- Archives and History shared a story about Bishop Joseph Bethea’s life.
- Bishop Fairley released a Pastoral Letter in Light of the Tragic Events in Ukraine.
Center for Leadership Excellence
- The Center for Leadership Excellence presented a webinar on Demystifying Devotions for fifty church leaders. Jim Harnish inspired and encouraged attendees to find new ways to contextualize devotions to be more relevant to church meetings and bible studies.
- Highlighted recent events related to anti-racism.
Christian Formation
- Continued working with current Certified Lay Ministers on their renewal process and increasing web access to Lay Servant, Lay Speaker, and Certified Lay Ministry information.
Media Center
- View resources for the Committed People of God.
- View anti-racism resources for everyone in your church.
- View resources to Teach Your Church to #BeUMC.
New Faith Communities
- The Office of New Faith Communities hosted Common Learning Day at St. Paul’s UMC in Carolina Beach, February 8-9. Gathering both in person and online, planters focused on the topic of “holistic mission,” delving more deeply into congregational life cycles, creating a purpose statement and core values for a faith community, and learning how to lean into those values for decision-making and conflict navigation.
Office of Clergy Life
- Applications for the 2022 Taste and See internship opened.
- The Conference Board of Ordained Ministry interviewed and approved 13 elder and 4 deacon candidates for provisional membership.
- NC Conference clergy serving a church or under episcopal appointment participated in sexual ethics training utilizing the resources of Safe Gatherings. The course addressed issues challenging today’s clergy and church leadership. Some of these issues included technology, sexualized behavior and misconduct, addiction, behavior with children and youth, narcissism, and plagiarism.
Outreach Ministry
- The Creation Care Committee hosted a virtual book discussion of “Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation.”
- Registration for the first ever Green Church Training opened. Read a spotlight on one of the churches in our Conference who is certified as a Green Church.
- Congregations for Children shared upcoming learning opportunities centered around advocacy.
- Disaster Ministries hosted an Early Response Team Training. Register for an upcoming training.
- The Health Ministry Team collaborated with the NC Council of Churches to present webinars addressing the use of settlement funds from several drug companies due to the opioid crisis.
- The Project Agape Board of Directors is expanding the ability to garner support for our neighbors in Armenia beyond the NC Conference and the Western NC Conference by securing 501c3 status as a non-profit. Contributions can be given online or through the Advance S00004 – PROJECT AGAPE, Armenia.
Treasurer’s Office
- The 2021 Annual Audit Report was launched and is available in the Online Data Collection System.
- Forms for the Affordable Care Act Reporting were ordered.
- Church audit and clergy tax accountant referral forms were published for churches to share their recommendations.
Youth Ministries
- The Conference Council on Youth Ministries met on February 5. Youth Ministries will host one event this summer, NCCUMC Youth Week.