Church World Service (CWS) in Durham, NC has begun welcoming dozen of Afghan families in the Triangle area and surrounding communities. Ellen Andrews, North Carolina Area Director of Church World Service, joined us for an informative webinar in December 2021 to share more about their work and how others can help. Following the meeting, Ellen reached out to Jaye White, Director of Outreach Ministry to inquire if any UMC churches in the Fayetteville area would be willing to provide a space for a satellite office.
Rev. David Woodhouse, pastor at Hay Street UMC, had previous experience working with other organizations to help resettle refugees in other communities. Rev. Woodhouse shared the information about CWS’s need for a satellite office with the church’s Board of Trustees. The Board voted to provide the CWS team a space in their previous church office area.
Earlier this month, the CWS team visited Hay Street UMC to begin moving items in and organizing their office space.
Visit our Afghan Refugee Information page to learn more about how you can help.