The Gary Locklear Mission Endowment continues to support the creation of new ministries in eastern North Carolina to respond to the ever-changing human need around us.
The Missions Endowment Team will accept applications for mission investments beginning April 27 through May 31.
The mission focus will be on emerging needs related to:
- health, wellness, and abundant life
- economic resources for the fullness of life
- education
- spiritual vitality found in Jesus Christ.
Previous distributions have been for Hurricane Matthew disaster recovery response, Hurricane Florence disaster recovery response, the Youth Storm Fund, the Church at Spring Forest (a new faith community), and the COVID Response Fund for local church assistance.
The Gary Wayne Locklear Mission Endowment promotes Biblical justice, following The United Methodist Social Principles. The endowment ensures resources into perpetuity so that people will experience Jesus Christ and grow in discipleship.
If you have questions, please contact Kathy Duncan at kduncan@nccumc.org.