Stewardship That Can Save the World (Discipleship Ministries)


The growing climate crisis has forced many congregations to adopt a wider understanding of the word “stewardship.” This wider understanding has proved healthy not just for the creation care movement; it is one more way to show that our stewardship and discipleship are not separate but intertwined. It can also help us move people to […]


Confronting Christian Nationalism: Understanding the Threat and Knowing How to Respond (NC Council of Churches)


Join us for an important and timely discussion addressing the double-edged threat of Christian Nationalism to our state and our faith. It is a threat to the founding principles of our democracy, and it is also a threat to the integrity of the Christian Gospel. Participants will learn how to recognize Christian nationalism, often disguised […]


$ Steps to Growing Spirituality in Your Church with Rebekah Simon-Peter (


Will we ever attract youth and young adults again? Will we ever live and minister in ways that affect the community around us? In this webinar, Rebekah Simon-Peter, author of Dream Like Jesus, discusses the three “s’s” needed for churches to grow. Rebekah will discuss the urgency for churches to be spiritual, social, and of […]


First 100 Days of Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural Ministry Webinar Series (General Commission on Religion and Race)


For clergy serving in cross racial/cross-cultural ministries, intentionality around the first 100 days of a new ministerial appointment can make a significant difference in the long-term health, sustainability and overall effectiveness toward a clergy person’s ability to pastor across difference. Mark your calendars and join GCORR for the “First 100 days of CRCC Ministry” summer […]


$ Spiritual Gifts Microcourse (


Course Dates: May 20 – 24, 2024 This microcourse is for those who want a basic introduction to spiritual gifts. It will provide an overview of material from the LSM course “Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts,” without the two-week commitment while retaining the scriptural and spiritual foundations of gift-based ministry.   To earn .5 CEUs and a […]


Deaconess and Home Missioner Virtual Discernment Event (United Women in Faith)


The Office of Deaconess and Home Missioner invites those who are discerning a call to ministry to attend a virtual discernment event taking place on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Register here. This event is for laity in the United Methodist Church who feel called to full-time vocational ministries in diverse contexts. Qualifications for the Office of […]


$ Laity Leadership Institute: Trauma Resiliency and Healing through Music and Worship (Black Methodists for Church Renewal)


Worship and music both aid in self-regulation/healing and each holds value individually and collectively. In 2023, the National Institute on Health reported that more than 1 in 5 adults live with mental illness. This is heavily attributed to the variety of traumatic experiences one has endured in a lifetime. However, there is an antidote readily […]


$ Courage and Resilience: An Online Gathering with Brian McLaren (Center for Action and Contemplation)


Is there life after doom? Many of us long for new ways of thinking, becoming, and belonging in these turbulent times. From ecological to economic injustice, the healing of our world begins with healing ourselves.  Explore the complexity of hope and grief with us. Register for Courage and Resilience: An Online Gathering with Brian McLaren, […]

$5 – $95

Faith Talks on Mental Health Awareness Month (United Women in Faith)


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Faith Talks will facilitate a discussion highlighting the intersection of mental health and disability rights. Our next live recording of the podcast will be on Thursday, May 16, at 2:00 p.m. ET. We are keen to focus on the ways racism impacts one’s mental health journey, and further […]


$ How Hidden History Shapes the Future with Fran Campbell (Iliff School of Theology)


Our history is always shaping our future, including--and perhaps especially--the stories that have been pushed aside and kept from the spotlight. How do we learn about buried and hidden history, and how do we work to remember the important stories that have been left out? For our final session of the History and Memory Renewal […]
