Reporting from Inside Ukraine and Its Neighbors: Speakers from the Women’s Peace Dialogue Platform (United Women in Faith)


We are watching Russian aggression against Ukraine in horror and in fervent prayer. Most of the people who suffer in war are innocent women and children. The number of refugees fleeing Ukraine has reached over 1.5 million. Key cities are being bombed and civilians are losing lives, homes, livelihoods. Despite bullets and bombs, Ukrainians are staying strong and united. On Monday, […]


Reporting from Inside Ukraine and Its Neighbors: Speakers from the Women’s Peace Dialogue Platform (United Women in Faith)


We are watching Russian aggression against Ukraine in horror and in fervent prayer. Most of the people who suffer in war are innocent women and children. The number of refugees fleeing Ukraine has reached over 1.5 million. Key cities are being bombed and civilians are losing lives, homes, livelihoods. Despite bullets and bombs, Ukrainians are staying strong and united. On Monday, […]


Day of Giving Facebook Live Event (United Women in Faith)


Our members continue to put their faith, hope, and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth in our communities and around the world. On Day of Giving, March 23, you can ensure that future generations of women can continue this vital legacy. Donations received on Day of Giving will continue to multiply because […]


Day of Giving Facebook Live Event (United Women in Faith)


Our members continue to put their faith, hope, and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth in our communities and around the world. On Day of Giving, March 23, you can ensure that future generations of women can continue this vital legacy. Donations received on Day of Giving will continue to multiply because […]


Deaconess and Home Missioner Virtual Discernment Event (United Women in Faith)


The Office of Deaconess and Home Missioner invites those who are discerning a call to ministry to attend a virtual discernment event taking place on Saturday, April 2, 2022. This event is for laity in the United Methodist Church who feel called to full-time vocational ministries in diverse contexts. Qualifications for the Office of Deaconess […]


Young Women’s Webinar on Climate Justice (United Women in Faith)


United Women in Faith is inviting young women (15-35 years old) with a passion for climate justice to a webinar on April 22, 2022 at 7pm EST time. We will mix and mingle, sharing our experiences on how climate change is impacting our lives. We shall learn much about climate change and appreciate that climate […]


Just Energy 4 All Monthly Webinar (United Women in Faith)


Looking for ways to connect with other United Women in Faith members and people of faith who are working to advance just energy all year long? Join us every third Wednesday of the month at 3 pm ET (2 pm CT, 1 pm MT, 12 pm PT, 11 am AKT, 10 am HAT, 9 am WT) for […]


Faith Talks (United Women in Faith)


Faith Talks are monthly conversations with United Methodist Women hosted by Jennifer R. Farmer, Spotlight PR.Each conversation explores themes and resources that empower us to put faith, hope and love into action.


Caring for God’s Creation Through Just Energy For All (United Women in Faith)


What does Jesus’ mission have to do with creation care? What does it mean for disciples of Christ? Join us for this interactive session where we will examine one of the most famous passages in Scripture, its call to care for God’s creation and its connection to UWF’s Just Energy for All campaign. This session […]


Faith Talks: Mission Studies (United Women in Faith)


This year marks an exciting innovation of the Mission u program as United Women in Faith offers three new curricula — one for adults, one for youth and one for children — all focusing on a shared biblical theme: Luke 13. Please join us for Faith Talks May 5, 2 p.m. ET, as we explore this […]


Faith Talks (United Women in Faith)


Faith Talks are monthly conversations with United Women in Faith hosted by Jennifer R. Farmer, Spotlight PR.Each conversation explores themes and resources that empower us to put faith, hope and love into action.

