Awakening Resources for You and Your Church (Seedbed)


We have some fantastic personal and church “Awakening” resources for you this Fall! Join us for a free, 60-minute Zoom webinar where we'll give you the highlights and to enable you to ask any questions you have about a resource. Register for this webinar


A Night with New Room Advent (Seedbed)


Join us for a short evening of worship, poetry and prayer to orient our hearts towards a fresh appreciation for Advent and deeper understanding of the life of Jesus. We all sense it in our bones. We need a different kind of Christmas this year. We long for more substance and less stuff. More fellowship […]


$ How to Read the Bible Better (Seedbed)


The Bible is the most published, best selling, most consequential book in the history of the world. It is also one of the most complex documents ever conceived. As a consequence we see a multitude of “simple” approaches to reading the Bible. On the other end, we see many scholarly approaches to reading the ancient […]


$ The Awakened Life (Seedbed)


If you are part of our growing community of friends in Seedbed and New Room, the Awakened Life Course is where we gather to explore the heart and DNA of a life awakened to Jesus! Join us! Starting Feb. 7th, the community is gathering for a four week learning experience of Scripture, prayer, conversation, and […]


A Night with New Room: Ash Wednesday (Seedbed)


Lent, the season of the descent of the Son of God to the Cross. Gather with us for an evening of preparation for the 40 days—to get in step with the Holy Spirit together, to prepare for a season of fasting and repentance and joyful realignment with the mind of Jesus Christ. Meet us at […]


How to Experience the Holy Spirit (Seedbed)


From the earliest Christian communities to our present day churches, ignorance, misunderstanding, and confusion abound when it comes to the third person of the Trinity—the Holy Spirit. Seedbed is pleased to introduce a new course into its Awakening Essentials series—How to Experience the Holy Spirit. The course will be theological, but even more practical; explanatory, […]

Free – $69.95

$ When Women Lead (Seedbed)


The When Women Lead Course is designed to help women and men better understand the unique leadership challenges of women leaders, and to help women design strategies so they can flourish in life and work. We can help women who lead to hold more realistic expectations and employ more effective strategies by giving them solid […]


$ How to Take a Real Sabbath Rest (Seedbed)


A three-week online course where we gain a whole new understanding of the mystery of time, appreciate how Sabbath forms our identity, and gain tools for making Sabbath real and tangible. Time is not a scarce commodity to be managed, it is to be received and given. This course is for anyone who would like […]


$ Mend: A Fellowship Retreat for Pastors (Seedbed)


January 12, 19, and 26, 2023 (Thursdays 2-4pm CST) MEND. To see the word is to feel the need. As Shepherds in the Kingdom of Jesus, we are constantly engaged in the Spirit’s work of mending broken hearts, homes, churches and cities. As a result, we constantly find ourselves in need of the mending of our […]


A Night with New Room: Ash Wednesday (Seedbed)


Join us for a livestream evening of worship, teaching, poetry, the imposition of ashes—and prayer for great awakening. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a season of devotion and prayer in which we make room for confession, repentance, lament—and for joy-filled hope. This online experience has been deeply encouraging to thousands of our extended […]


$ How to Pray and Fast for Life and Awakening (Seedbed)


In this short course we will sit with Jesus and listen to Him as he turns both prayer and fasting on their sides and brings quite surprising and distinctive teaching on the who, what, when, why, and where of it all. You can’t sit with Jesus for any length of time without being both inspired […]


$ Receive the Holy Spirit Book Club (Seedbed)


Receive the Holy Spirit is a seventy-day journey through the Scriptures, exploring the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Through stories, encouragement, prayers, and questions for group discussion, this book is a must-read for Christians who want to experience God’s Spirit at work in their lives. Discover anew the Spirit’s work in creation—bringing order to chaos, meaning […]

$15 – $30