Talking Rural Food Ministries (RFCAI)


Your congregation really cares about food- but how do you talk about hunger, those who need food, and those who give food? Join Justine Post (Resourceful Communities) and Michelle Osbourne (RAFI) as they talk about what having honest conversations about rural food ministries and partnerships has looked like for congregations they work with. Register for […]


Talking Rural Food Ministries (RFCAI)


Your congregation really cares about food- but how do you talk about hunger, those who need food, and those who give food? Join Justine Post (Resourceful Communities) and Michelle Osbourne (RAFI) as they talk about what having honest conversations about rural food ministries and partnerships has looked like for congregations they work with. Register for […]


Talking COVID & Congregational Response (RFCAI)


Rural congregations have found different rhythms during the COVID-19 pandemic- online, in person, and hybrid. With the delta variant, polarizing views on safety, gathering, and personal choice have made the job of being a faith leader navigating different opinions precarious. We'll talk with Rev. Dawn Daly-Mack, balancing her role as a nurse and pastor while […]


Talking Rural Clergy Mental Health (RFCAI)


People often turn to a faith leader when they are struggling or need guidance. Throughout the pandemic, we've heard how inaccessible affordable, available, safe, and culturally appropriate mental health care can be for clergy themselves. Elder Hanna Broome will reflect on the challenges and opportunities of having rural clergy receiving their own mental health care. […]


Talking Rural Digital Inclusion (RFCAI)


Getting access to broadband in rural NC can be a huge issue- for faith communities, local governments, businesses, and families. But talking about broadband adoption is a conversation about access and also equity- and one that must address our individual relationships with technology and connection. Chat with Maggie Woods, Program Manager of the BAND-NC Digital […]
