$ Following the Lectionary Postcolonially (Iliff School of Theology)


July 8 - 29 This course is for laypeople, pastors, or anyone else who is interested in learning how to read the Bible with a postcolonial lens. The class will focus on the readings of the Revised Common Lectionary for Advent of 2024 and Lent of 2025, but it will offer frameworks and tools that […]


$ Authentic Engagement (Iliff School of Theology)


July 29 - August 19 Iliff’s Authentic Engagement™ program provides tools for leaders to develop and nurture organizational cultures in which people of diverse backgrounds feel valued, are deeply connected to one other, and are aligned with a shared mission. This kind of engaged leader is able to recognize those who have the potential to […]


$ Dismantling White Silence in Churches (Iliff School of Theology)


August 12 - September 2 This TIER course provides opportunities to reflect on white silence in churches, how to dismantle it, and how to work toward racial justice. By engaging our personal histories, creating storytelling that emphasizes accountability and imagination, we can work toward a future of hope and healing. Students will engage Dr. Niero’s […]


$ Re-enchanting Ecological Praxis (Iliff School of Theology)


August 12 - September 2 This course takes as its central concession the basic insight that “people organize to protect and fight for what they hold most dear.” In order to most effectively address the ecological crisis, we must begin to ask deeper questions: “What are we willing to fight for?” Such a question demands […]
