Cokesbury Kids Winter Update (Cokesbury)


Join us to meet members of our Cokesbury Kids team, hear about updates to the Celebrate Wonder All Ages curriculum, and preview exciting things coming from Cokesbury Kids.



$ VBS Virtual Workshop for Food Truck Party (Cokesbury)


Want a more in-depth look at Cokesbury VBS? Here’s your opportunity!Whether you are doing in-person VBS or at-home/virtual VBS, this training is for you!For 2022, Cokesbury offers our VBS Workshops for Food Truck Party VBS in person and virtually! We’ve made this training available to you to view at your convenience.


VBS Virtual Training Event (Cokesbury)


For 2022, Cokesbury VBS is offering a VBS Workshop for Food Truck Party virtually on March 5, 2022 at 10am! This training is FREE and will air on Cokesbury VBS's YouTube and Facebook channels on Saturday, March 5th at 10am CST.


Cokesbury’s Hero Hotline VBS Workshop (Cokesbury)


Cokesbury is offering our Workshop for Hero Hotline VBS virtually! This workshop provides training for all 5 sessions of Hero Hotline and features a bonus music session with producer/performer Andy Wilson. Also included are Bible Story Backgrounds for each session; science experiments; previews of crafts, snacks, and recreation activities; and much more. Don’t miss this opportunity to SIGN UP […]



LIFT Experience Online (Cokesbury)


Today, different generations don’t engage with each other the way they used to. But when generations mutually invest in one another, Christ-centered relationships grow. That’s why GenOn Ministries designed LIFT intergenerational ministry, a unique new way to bring generations together! Small groups consisting of people from two or more generations gather around a table to share food, […]



LIFT Experience Online (Cokesbury)


Today, different generations don’t engage with each other the way they used to. But when generations mutually invest in one another, Christ-centered relationships grow. That’s why GenOn Ministries designed LIFT intergenerational ministry, a unique new way to bring generations together! Small groups consisting of people from two or more generations gather around a table to share food, […]


LIFT Experience Online (Cokesbury)


Today, different generations don’t engage with each other the way they used to. But when generations mutually invest in one another, Christ-centered relationships grow. That’s why GenOn Ministries designed LIFT intergenerational ministry, a unique new way to bring generations together! Small groups consisting of people from two or more generations gather around a table to share food, […]


GENeratiONs Together Curriculum Online Intro (Cokesbury)


Rebuild the fabric of your church through intergenerational relationships with GenOn LIFT GenOn’s LIFT (Living in Faith Together) brings together two or more generations around tables for food and conversation, Bible study and related activity, and prayer. Use on Sunday mornings, mid-week, or evenings. Requires 1-2 facilitators rather than multiple class leaders (or teachers). Want to find out […]


Camp Firelight VBS Workshop (Cokesbury)


Get an in-depth look at Cokesbury’s Camp Firelight VBS!  Cokesbury is offering our Workshop for Camp Firelight VBS virtually! This workshop provides training for key activity stations of Camp Firelight and features music and sights from our producer/performer Andy Wilson. Also included are Bible Story Overviews for each session; science experiments; previews of crafts, snacks, and recreation activities; and much more.  Plus, get a SPECIAL DISCOUNT […]


A Big Faith Q&A (Cokesbury Kids)


Ready to think outside the box when it comes to children’s faith formation? Cokesbury Kids Big Faith is an exciting new quarterly curriculum from the creators of Celebrate Wonder, Deep Blue, Food Truck Party VBS, and more.  During this online event, you will: Join us to learn more about a curriculum that helps children grow a faith that’s as big […]


2025 Virtual VBS Workshop (Cokesbury Kids)


Get an in-depth look at Cokesbury's Road Trip VBS! This workshop provides training for key activity stations of Road Trip VBS and features music videos and insights from our producer/performer Andy Wilson. Also included are Bible Story Overviews for each session; science experiments; previews of crafts, snacks, a recreation activities overview; and more.  Plus, get a SPECIAL DISCOUNT […]
