$ Doing Ministry in Innovative Ways: Casting Our Nets on the Right Side of the Boat with Michael Bowie, Jr. (ClergyEducation.com)


Along with Stephen Handy, Michael Bowie, Jr. is author of the upcoming book, Doing Ministry in Innovative Ways: Casting our nets on the right side of the boat. As the nation continues to navigate through various disruptions, it’s critical that we are willing to do ministry in uncertain, uncommon and unconformable manner. If you expect to […]


$ Reaching People in their 20s, 30s and 40s – the Do’s the Dont’s and the Why’s with Rachel Gilmore (ClergyEducation.com)


If you’re like previous attendees, you’ll leave this webinar saying, “Wow!” Most churches are struggling to connect with younger generations.  What if the very way we think of church and do church is part of the problem? Join Rachel Gilmore for this webinar where we can explore principles that we find in Scripture and current research that can […]


$ The Small Church Advantage with Teresa Stewart (ClergyEducation.com)


Small congregations are not miniaturized big congregations. They have different challenges. Fortunately, they also have different strengths–ones that are deeply forming, urgently needed, and generally unavailable in big settings. Learn how to build with these strengths and stop imitating models that never fit to begin with.


$ Even More Ways to Effectively Communicate with Your Church and Community with Kevin Slimp (ClergyEducation.com)


Participants receive a certificate for 1-hour CEU following the online class. This session is for everyone, no matter the size of your church or whether you’ve attended previous communications webinars by Kevin Slimp. If you’ve attended Kevin’s earlier webinar,  then this webinar is for you! It’s even for folks who haven’t attended the original session. […]


$ Preparing to Preach During Advent with Scott Chrostek (ClergyEducation.com)


No one could anticipate the surprise that awaited humankind with the birth of Jesus. Two thousand years later, we still look forward in expectation, wondering what lies next. During this webinar, Scott plans to share ideas for preachers as they begin making plans for preaching during the 2023 Advent season. Rev. Scott Chrostek is the […]


$ The Three S’s of Growing Churches with Rebekah Simon-Peter (ClergyEducation.com)


Will we ever attract youth and young adults again? Will we ever live and minister in ways that affect the community around us? In this webinar, Rebekah Simon-Peter, author of Dream Like Jesus, discusses the three “s’s” needed for churches to grow. Rebekah will discuss the urgency for churches to be spiritual, social, and of […]


$ Effectively Communicate with Your Church and Community (ClergyEducation.com)


Participants receive a certificate for 1-hour CEU following the online class. This session is for everyone, no matter the size of your church or whether you’ve attended previous communications webinars by Kevin Slimp. If you’ve attended Kevin’s earlier webinar,  then this webinar is for you! It’s even for folks who haven’t attended the original session. […]


$ The Small Church Advantage with Teresa Stewart (ClergyEducation.com)


Small congregations are not miniaturized big congregations. They have different challenges. Fortunately, they also have different strengths–ones that are deeply forming, urgently needed, and generally unavailable in big settings. Learn how to build with these strengths and stop imitating models that never fit to begin with. Join Teresa Stewart, author of The Small Church Advantage […]


$ Practices to Simplify the Mission of the Small Church with Blake Bradford & Kay Kotan (ClergyEducation.com)


This webinar is specifically for small church leaders. Just about everyone in United Methodist circles knows of Kay Kotan and Blake Bradford from their 2021 book, Mission Possible. In 2023, Kay and Blake released a new book, Mission Possible for the Small Church, focused on helping small church clergy and leaders understand the mission of the small church and […]


$ The Three S’s of Growing Churches with Rebekah Simon-Peter (ClergyEducation.com)


Will we ever attract youth and young adults again? Will we ever live and minister in ways that affect the community around us? In this webinar, Rebekah Simon-Peter, author of Dream Like Jesus, discusses the three “s’s” needed for churches to grow. Rebekah will discuss the urgency for churches to be spiritual, social, and of […]


$ Preaching Lent: What not to give up with Mike Graves (Clergy Education.com)


Giving something up for Lent is commonplace, and some of us might wish it could be preaching itself during this heaviest season of the year. Together we’ll consider anew the challenges and opportunities of preaching during the Lenten season. Maybe this year, when we proclaim Jesus’ resurrection, it can be true for us and our […]
