$ Money Talks – A Biblical Take on Saving, Spending and Giving (ClergyEducation.com)


The good news is, money isn’t the only thing that talks. God also talks. Co-authors of the new best-seller Money Talks, Callie and Roz Picardo share their hope that in listening to God speak, God will direct our steps in all areas- from earning and saving to spending and giving. It’s nearly impossible to avoid […]


$ How to Fill Your Pews! (ClergyEducation.com)


It’s the question on everyone’s minds: How do we get folks back in the fews after months away during the pandemic, and how do we attract seekers to become active participants in our congregations? Rebekah Simin-Peter, author of Dream Like Jesus will share valuable ideas that can work for your congregation. Bring two pens. You’ll […]


$ Developing Effective Communication to Grow Your Congregation (ClergyEducation.com)


For twenty-five years, Kevin Slimp has been a household name in the world of corporate and United Methodist communications. Having keynoted thousands of conventions and events internationally, Kevin understands the worlds of both corporate and church communications.As a former annual conference director of communications and current publisher of Market Square Books, Kevin will share tools […]


$ A Storyteller Looks at the Parables (ClergyEducation.com)


Charles Maynard is a lot of things to a lot of people. To some, he’s the author of several books on the mountains and historical characters. To some, he’s author of United Methodist books like Tidings of Comfort and Joy and A Storyteller Looks at the Parables. To others, he’s a pastor at one of […]


$ Leading Your Congregation in New Directions (ClergyEducation.com)


All of us wish our congregations were more inspired to move in new directions. Olu Brown, as pastor of one of the fastest growing United Methodist Churches in America, is synonymous with moving and growing congregations. He will be with us September 28 to share his thoughts on ways to get your congregation moving.Olu is […]
