
Effective Communication in Times of Crisis (Center for Leadership Excellence)


When your church has a crisis, how can you be ready? Join us for a three-week workshop series and learn the skills you need to provide an immediate response in a crisis, develop successful strategies for pre-empting or managing a crisis, and avoid critical mistakes that can cause long-term damage. Register once and we will […]


Effective Communication in Times of Crisis (Center for Leadership Excellence)


When your church has a crisis, how can you be ready? Join us for a three-week workshop series and learn the skills you need to provide an immediate response in a crisis, develop successful strategies for pre-empting or managing a crisis, and avoid critical mistakes that can cause long-term damage. Register once and we will […]


The ABCs of Diversity: Helping Kids (and Ourselves!) Engage Our Differences (Center for Leadership Excellence)


In partnership with the NC Conference Evangelism and Discipleship committee, the Center for Leadership Excellence invites you to a virtual workshop designed for children’s ministers, youth ministers, parents, and those who work with children and youth.  The world we live in is diverse. Yet often we tend to stay closer to what feels comfortable—what we are […]


Effective Communication in Times of Crisis (Center for Leadership Excellence)


When your church has a crisis, how can you be ready? Join us for a three-week workshop series and learn the skills you need to provide an immediate response in a crisis, develop successful strategies for pre-empting or managing a crisis, and avoid critical mistakes that can cause long-term damage. Register once and we will […]


$ Leading Bible Study (Center for Leadership Excellence)


The Center for Leadership Excellence, in partnership with Lay Servant Ministries, will be offering an advanced course, Leading Bible Study with Alan Felton. This is a 4-week session, held on Thursday evenings. This course opens a new world for many lay servants who have not had professional training in biblical interpretation. Learners will: Explore a working […]


$ Safe Sanctuaries Course (Center for Leadership Excellence)


Designed for laity, this online course equips participants to understand the need for Safe Sanctuaries in every congregation. Participants will gain a better understanding of what Safe Sanctuaries means to them, their churches, and those they are protecting. Every United Methodist congregation is required to have a Safe Sanctuaries policy. But Safe Sanctuaries is more than just a policy. It’s a […]


Preaching Amid Trauma and Change (Center for Leadership Excellence)


These are challenging times in which to preach and minister. We live in a pandemic-scarred world where communities are being asked to reimagine what it means to be church. Denominational affiliations are shifting, with church members and leaders feeling adrift or in flux. Our news is filled with ongoing stories of mass violence, natural disasters, […]


Conference-Wide Leadership Training (Center for Leadership Excellence)


Join us for one of five virtual workshops designed to equip you to serve in your local church as Lay Leader or on the Finance, Trustees, Nominations, or Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee. Whether you are starting a new leadership role, or have been serving in church leadership for years, we hope this model of leadership […]


Messy Church Information Session (Center for Leadership Excellence)


The Center For Leadership Excellence is hosting a short information session about Messy Church to determine whether to bring Messy Church leaders in for a day-long training… The tag line for the Messy Church movement is, Church, but not as you know it. If you have attended church for a long time, Messy Church may not look […]


Don’t Look Back: United Methodist Hope for the Future with Will Willimon (Center for Leadership Excellence)


The Center For Leadership Excellence presents a webinar specifically designed for UMC laity… March 9 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm How can we, as United Methodists, utilize our present denomination’s challenges as a catalyst for joining Christ in mission? Dedicate an hour to reflect on how we can empower forward momentum in our churches.  Willimon will focus on […]
