“Many are Called?” Medicine as Ministry to Poor and Marginalized Communities (Duke Divinity School)


Dr. Dowell received her bachelor’s degree in Biology from Loyola University and later, her Medical Degree from the University of Illinois after which she completed her Pediatric Residency at the University of Chicago. Dr. Dowell currently serves as a primary care physician and Site Medical Director at the Homan Square branch of the Lawndale Christian […]


Cokesbury’s Hero Hotline VBS Workshop (Cokesbury)


Cokesbury is offering our Workshop for Hero Hotline VBS virtually! This workshop provides training for all 5 sessions of Hero Hotline and features a bonus music session with producer/performer Andy Wilson. Also included are Bible Story Backgrounds for each session; science experiments; previews of crafts, snacks, and recreation activities; and much more. Don’t miss this opportunity to SIGN UP […]


$ How to Pray and Fast for Life and Awakening (Seedbed)


In this short course we will sit with Jesus and listen to Him as he turns both prayer and fasting on their sides and brings quite surprising and distinctive teaching on the who, what, when, why, and where of it all. You can’t sit with Jesus for any length of time without being both inspired […]


$ Serious Answers to Hard Questions (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: March 6 – May 15, 2023 How do you reconcile the presence of evil in the world with belief in a loving God? How should Christians relate to other religions? Does the “Christ of Faith” bear any resemblance to the “Jesus of History”? Ten Christian and Jewish theologians – world experts in their […]


$ Methodist Identity: Our Beliefs (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: March 6 – May 1, 2023 This is an Adult Education Course hosted by Gregory Ingram featuring contributions by 9 of the world’s leading Methodist scholars. It builds on the history of Methodism by examining Methodist beliefs and focusing especially on those doctrines that make Methodists distinctive. Eight half-hour long presentations by leading […]


Sustaining While Disrupting (Lewis Center for Church Leadership)


Learn new ways to address the challenge of congregational innovation. Tuesday, March 7, Noon-1 p.m. Eastern  Many churches today find it difficult to adjust to changing circumstances. Traditional models of leadership are not working for new and unfamiliar issues.  For many congregational leaders, preserving cherished traditions while discerning God’s new thing is a challenge. Trying to […]


$ Using Storytelling in Your Preaching to Make Easter Memorable (ClergyEducation.com)


The mark of a good story is when your congregation begins to say, “That made me remember a time when …” Good storytelling leads listeners to take your story and make it apply it to their own situations. Good preaching and good storytelling go hand in hand, and the ability to inspire your congregation is […]


How Christian Ministries are Achieving Success: An Introduction to Creating a Culture of Renewal® (Rebekah Simon-Peter Coaching)


Do you wish your leadership could make a real difference for the church? For your community? For the Kingdom of God? Christian ministries just like yours are achieving success. Yours can, too. During this 90-minute online seminar you will learn: Register for a 90-minute seminar that will open your eyes to the miracles that are […]


$ Precious and Honored: Spiritual Companionship with People Who Have Experienced Sexual Violence (NC Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation)


OVERVIEW Over half of women and almost 1 in 3 men in the United States will directly experience sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the CDC.  The effects of these trauma can negatively impact relationships with family, friends, community, and even God.  This two-session program will use lecture, demonstration, discussion, and role play to […]

$60 – $110