$ Transforming the One Room Sunday School Classroom (BeADisciple.com)


Are you struggling with reaching all the kids in your class? Do some kids thrive while others disrupt? Are there students of multiple ages trying to learn the same material? Do those with learning differences get lost in the background?   If so, you likely find the cookie-cutter lessons hard to implement with your particular group. Perhaps […]


$ Creating Safe Spaces for Children and Youth Ministries (BeADisciple.com)


Who is supervising the shower schedule for your youth group’s summer mission trip? How many adults are overseeing the costume changes for the Christmas Pageant? I know you have two adults with your Sunday School’s 4-year-old class, but what happens when someone needs a bathroom break? How do you get your teenagers to stop going […]


$ Teaching Methodism in the Rural Church (BeADisciple.com)


While we often see rural communities as forgotten by our city–focused society, these places still have a wealth of resources, creativity, and hope that create new life in these “disconnected” locations. Methodism is a movement designed to help in this creation. It reminds people they are made in the image of God, and are called to spread the gospel and change […]


$ Safe Spaces for Vulnerable Adult Ministries (BeADisciple.com)


Leaders of adult ministries, trustees, and pastors often recognize that vulnerable adults – and the volunteers who work with them – are at risk of abuse or accusations of abuse, without knowing how to reduce that risk. This course will help congregations to 1) define who is – or might become – a vulnerable adult, […]


$ Rethinking Digital: The Enduring Role of the Hybrid Revolution in Church Ministry (Fresh Expressions NA)


Before 2020, only a handful of congregations across North America were having conversations about ministry through digital platforms. Even for those congregations, the main focus was simply on making available through digital means the activity that was taking place in the church building. Two years later, the digital revolution has overcome the landscape and we […]


$ Rethink Disciple-Making Systems: How to Form Disciples, Not Just Volunteers (Fresh Expressions)


The pandemic has revealed that many churches were counting on attractive worship gatherings to form their attendees rather than discipleship. What kind of system would raise up devoted disciples—not just useful volunteers. In this track we will explore: How formative, generative discipleship is different from attending worship eventsHow to develop sustainable discipleship systems that work […]


$ Rethink Pastoral Leadership: From Congregrational Management to Apostolic Entrepreneur (Fresh Expressions)


Jesus describes the work of pastoring as both caring for the herd, and pursuing lost sheep. However, training for church leadership is often limited to serving an established congregation in a culture friendly to churches. This track of the Resilient Church Academy will introduce three key skills needed for leading churches in post-COVID North America: […]


“Our Faith, Our Children, Our Public Schools” Webinar (NC Conference)


How does the prophet Micah’s call for us “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” apply to the ways we serve and advocate for our low-income children who attend our public schools in North Carolina? Why should all people of faith care about the health of our public […]


Blessed Youth Book Launch


Join Blessed Youth author Sarah Griffith Lund for conversation about youth mental health with the authors of Bless This Mess, minister Molly Baskette and child psychologist Ellen O’Donnell. We will discuss the mental health crisis facing our youth and offer practical tools for families and faith communities to help children and teens who are struggling with emotional, social, […]


$ More than a Sermon – Tips to Becoming More Effective as a Pastor (ClergyEducation.com)


Being a pastor in today’s church means wearing a lot of hats, and learning how to find hats that fit well may be the secret to finding success as a pastor. During this one-hour session Quincy Brown – United Methodist past in Atlanta, Georgia, former district superintendent, and author of multiple books including The Q.U.E.S.T. for […]


$ More than a Sermon – Tips to Becoming More Effective as a Pastor (ClergyEducation.com)


Being a pastor in today’s church means wearing a lot of hats, and learning how to find hats that fit well may be the secret to finding success as a pastor. During this one-hour session Quincy Brown – United Methodist past in Atlanta, Georgia, former district superintendent, and author of multiple books including The Q.U.E.S.T. for […]
