$ Transforming the One Room Sunday School Classroom (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – 29, 2023 Are you struggling with reaching all the kids in your class? Do some kids thrive while others disrupt? Are there students of multiple ages trying to learn the same material? Do those with learning differences get lost in the background?   If so, you likely find the cookie-cutter lessons […]


$ Honor Thy Father and Mother As They Age (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – 21, 2023 Older adults dread the day when they have to turn in the car keys, acknowledge their infirmity, or leave a family home behind. They don’t want to become a burden on their children or others. All of these transitions may be happening to your parents. Right now.   No […]


$ Rebuild & Renew the Church Post-Pandemic (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – March 20, 2023 As the pandemic crisis eases the world has changed, people have changed, and life feels different. Some want to go back to the way things were for legacy, comfort, or other reasons. Others want to try new practices with the new normal. This mix exists in our […]


$ Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – February 6, 2023 Grief can be a lonely place, and those who care for persons who are grieving often find themselves at a loss. Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving will explore how persons who work with grieving friends or family can guide them to grow during this difficult time. […]


$ The Art of Living Intentionally (BeADiscple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – February 10, 2023 Whether we are conscious of them or not, we all have “rules” (rhythms and rituals) for living. The real questions, then, are whether we are conscious of the rules by which we are living, and whether our rules are lifting us up to richer, fuller life. Drawing […]


$ Methodist Identity: Our Story (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – March 6, 2023 What does it mean to be Methodist? In a series of half-hour videos from leading Methodist scholars, Justo Gonzalez leads students through an exploration of the 18th-century Wesleyan revival in England and the growth of Methodism in the United States and around the world. Supplemental videos cover in more detail […]


$ Women Speak of God (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – March 6, 2023 This course is not just for women! The workshop is about how Christians in different cultures, different time periods, and different social locations have told their faith stories. Amy Oden, professor of the History of Christianity and Dean of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, presents video […]


Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being (United Methodist Foundation)


Saving Grace is a six-session program, based on Wesleyan values, which provides participants with the test and tools needed to address the topics of saving, earning, and giving. Saving Grace, or one of the approved financial courses listed on our website, is required for recipients of the Clergy Loan Program. UMF is pleased to offer […]


Stewardship & Finance: Get It Right at the Starting Line 2023 (Discipleship Ministries)


We start each new year with this webinar that is focused on the new member of the stewardship team, finance committee, or church council—those who are looking to get started strong right from the first week! In all things, connect your church’s money to mission and your people’s giving to their discipleship! We’ll be updating […]


Duke Chapel Reads: Becoming Human (Duke University Chapel)


Through Duke Chapel Reads, the Chapel aims to curate spaces for reflection and conversation based on a common book reading each semester. This year, the Duke Chapel Reads series will promote conversations about race, shared humanity, and God’s gift of diversity by organizing reading groups for the book Becoming Human: The Holy Spirit and the Rhetoric […]


$ Olu Brown: Preaching and Leading During Lent 2023 (ClergyEducation.com)


During Lent, worshipers around the world join together in a common theme of Christian faith, practicing self-reflection and remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made on Calvary. It is not only a time of individual reflection, but a time of communal reflection, reminding us that we are a global community of believers, and we have […]


$ Global Launchpad (Discipleship Ministries)


Global Launchpad is an online version of the classic Launchpad church planter training, which has equipped hundreds of planters in recent years. Global Launchpad is an online version of the classic Launchpad church planter training, which has equipped hundreds of planters in recent years. This training is an ever-evolving basic training for those who are […]
