Faith Communities and the Fight for Education Equity in NC (Pastors for NC Children)


What can North Carolina faith leaders tell us about education equity? What does faith call us to do in the fight for education rights for everyone? In this short documentary we travel across the state to discuss with faith leaders how education equity is part of our collective justice. We explore how faith impacts both […]


The ABCs of Diversity: Helping Kids (and Ourselves!) Engage Our Differences (Center for Leadership Excellence)


In partnership with the NC Conference Evangelism and Discipleship committee, the Center for Leadership Excellence invites you to a virtual workshop designed for children’s ministers, youth ministers, parents, and those who work with children and youth.  The world we live in is diverse. Yet often we tend to stay closer to what feels comfortable—what we are […]


$ The Future of Christianity (Center for Action and Contemplation)


We live in a time of widespread uncertainty about the future of Christianity. If you have ever felt conflicted about the religion’s history of violence, prejudice, and domination — know that you are not alone.  Considering the unprecedented crises our world faces, we urgently need to find a new way of being in the world together that bridges […]

$10 – $95

Saving Grace Can Change Your Church! (Discipleship Ministries)


Do you know about Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being? It’s a study resource to help people better manage their personal financial resources and find the peace that comes with being in control of finances instead of having them control you. Written specifically for those who are part of the Methodist family, Saving Grace draws on tried-and-true […]


Global Discipleship: Discovering Contextual Discipleship Practices Around the World (Discipleship Ministries)

Discipleship Ministries is proud to launch a new webinar series titled “Global Discipleship,” kicking off on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, from 8:30-10:00 a.m., Central Time via Zoom. Registration is FREE. In this series of webinars, discipleship leaders from different contexts worldwide share strategies they use to reach out to the people around them. May 25: Post-Christian and Highly […]


Effective Communication in Times of Crisis (Center for Leadership Excellence)


When your church has a crisis, how can you be ready? Join us for a three-week workshop series and learn the skills you need to provide an immediate response in a crisis, develop successful strategies for pre-empting or managing a crisis, and avoid critical mistakes that can cause long-term damage. Register once and we will […]


Blessing Service for 2022 U.S. Missionaries (General Board of Global Ministries)

Join us for the blessing service of four missionaries who are beginning their service in the United States this year. Amanda Kaye KirksceyMission Advocate for Young Adult Mission Service at Global Ministries in Georgia Arabia Baynia SweetChurch and Community Worker at Bennettsville - Cheraw Area Cooperative in South Carolina Olga Elsie Gonzalez SantiagoRacial Ethnic Plan […]
