Leadership Forward: Sizzling Summertime Faith (Strengthening the Black Church)
OnlineBring some sizzle to your summer ministry preaching and engagement. Speakers: Paul Thibodeaux, Rhonda Kingwood, Steve Spencer, and Bryant X. Phelps.
Bring some sizzle to your summer ministry preaching and engagement. Speakers: Paul Thibodeaux, Rhonda Kingwood, Steve Spencer, and Bryant X. Phelps.
Join us on Thursday, April 20 for a free Zoom Webinar for laity & clergy focused on Remaining & Thriving United Methodists. Led by Rev. Dr. Harvey C. Martz, Co-Chair of the United Methodist Association of Retired Clergy and Friends (UMARC), the panel of six speakers from North Carolina, Texas, and Colorado, will explore both how United Methodists who […]
Small-town churches can’t escape the genuine and painful problems that face rural North America. At the same time, many Jesus’ followers across rural regions are uncovering exciting possibilities as they explore creative and practical approaches to loving their neighbors. Rural Revival Summit is a two-day digital event that will introduce you to other ministry leaders […]
Emmaus Ministries will host our next international virtual gathering via Zoom on Friday, April 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada). The Emmaus Ministries Gathering will bring together music from all over the world. You will also hear from Fourth Day witnesses, enjoy a mini-group reunion experience from diverse cultures, learn about […]
You are asked to arrive online by 7:45 am to check connection as we will begin classes at 8:00 am, take a lunch break, andconclude between 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm. Click the registration link below before the April 16th deadline.Registration fee is $15.00 per person for in person events.You will get a confirmation with your book […]
Introduction to Ministry – Basic course will be held April 22nd andTransforming Evangelism April 29th.Both dates are Virtual. The day will begin at 9 a.m. and end around 5 p.m.You are asked to arrive on Zoom by 8:45 a.m.A break for lunch is included in the time. Each course will be led by Ken RipleyHeritage District Director […]
Course Dates: April 24 – May 5, 2023 Do you find writing a 3-5 minute children’s sermon more intimidating than a 20 minute adult sermon? You’re not alone. Preparing and delivering a children’s sermon can be daunting, and countless people admit to being terrified at the thought of being asked to do so. Fear not […]
Course Dates: April 24 – May 6, 2023 “In the beginning, God created…humans in God’s image, and gave them dominion among all the creatures of God’s creation.” What does that mean for us Christians in 2023? Does God care how we live on the earth? Is how we treat the planet and its human and […]
Registration: This event is hybrid, with both virtual and in person attendance available. In person attendance will have 75 spots available. Virtual attendance will be via Zoom for those who wish to join online; participants will receive 4 CEU credits for attending the event. Format: Hybrid: the morning block (10 am -12 pm) will feature […]
Our next Creation Care Book Discussion on Monday, April 24 at 10:30 a.m. will be led by Richard Loeppert (a soil scientist) who recommended: A World Without Soil: The Past, Present, and Precarious Future of the Earth Beneath our Feet by Jo Handelsman. To receive the Zoom link, email tclayton@nccumc.org.
Hosted by: Resourceful Communities and the NC Folklife Institute You'll learn about:
You’re invited to join Neighborhood Seminary monthly on fourth Tuesdays for prayers offered for and with Global Neighbors. Each month the focus of prayers alternates between a nation/region of the world, and creation care/environmental justice. Rev. Kim Barker-Brugman serves as guide for these evenings of prayer. Kim is a pastor, spiritual director and gifted retreat […]
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