$ Lay Servant Ministry Basic Course (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


Lay Servant Ministry Basic Coursewill be offered 8:30 am to 4:30 pmSaturday, February 11, 2023 by Zoom .This foundational class is open to anyone who would like to learn the most essential and fundamental information about being a United Methodist. This class is also suggested if you plan take classes aligned with the Pathways listedon the Lay […]


United Methodist Rural Advocates Webinar (United Methodist Rural Advocates)


The UMRA Grant recipients have been invited to participate in a free webinar, on February 11, 2023 from 11am until 12:30 pm EST, in which they will offer information on the ministry/outreach they are doing within their communities. If you are interested in knowing more about a particular ministry, or even how to get one […]


$ Let Them Come to Me: Children in Worship (BeADisciple.com)


The value of generations worshiping together is becoming more clear. This course will explore the place of children in congregational worship and offer practical suggestions for successfully including children in the worshiping community as well as teaching children about the elements of worship.  Learners are required to obtain this book for the course: What’s In Worship by […]


$ Mentoring Young People in Their Faith (BeADisciple.com)


This course is for adult Christians who want to support teens and young adults in hearing and following their call. In only three weeks you’ll learn the latest spiritual mentoring practices to help youth and young adults on their faith journey to become mature Christians themselves. It takes more than just casually interacting with a […]


Clergy: Stay on Top of Your Taxes! (Discipleship Ministries)


Clergy face some unique challenges when it comes to things like social security payments, estimated tax payments, housing allowances or exclusions, and reimbursed expenses. Your corner tax preparer may not understand the unique situation of clergy, and finding a preparer who does can save you substantially in money and aggravation. Join us as the Rev. […]


NC Conference United Women in Faith Book Club (NC United Women in Faith)


The Conference Book Club meets every 2nd Monday evening at 7:00 pm, via Zoom.  The book discussion is facilitated by Jeanne Murray. Check out the list below and join the discussion.  UWF 2023 Book Club Reads Enjoy reading! Zoom link:https://nccumc.zoom.us/j/98339443172?pwd=bHpHWUNibUdQWFNuU2FweUx4SVdRdz09Meeting ID: 983 3944 3172Passcode: 669401


Leading With Love: Building Community-Science Partnerships (Creation Justice Ministries)


Climate change threatens the people and places we love, and working together to build resilience gives us the best chance to protect and preserve what we love. In this workshop, Kate Cell and Alicia Race of the Union of Concerned Scientists will share stories of how they've built lasting connections between communities and scientists. They […]


How Christian Ministries are Achieving Success: An Introduction to Creating a Culture of Renewal® (Rebekah Simon-Peter Coaching)


Do you wish your leadership could make a real difference for the church? For your community? For the Kingdom of God? Christian ministries just like yours are achieving success. Yours can, too. During this 90-minute online seminar you will learn:  Register for a 90-minute seminar that will open your eyes to the miracles that are […]


$ Doing Ministry in Innovative Ways: Casting our nets on the right side of the boat (ClergyEducation.com)


Along with Stephen Handy, Michael Bowie, Jr. is author of the upcoming book, Doing Ministry in Innovative Ways: Casting our nets on the right side of the boat. As the nation continues to navigate through various disruptions, it’s critical that we are willing to do ministry in uncertain, uncommon and unconformable manner. If you expect to […]


Can We Live Together? The Crisis of Journalism in America (Duke Divinity School)


Part of Event Series: Theology, Medicine, and Culture Virtual Seminar Series Emma Green is a staff writer at The New Yorker, where she covers cultural conflicts in academia. She was previously a staff writer at The Atlantic, where she covered religion and politics and led a series called The Atlantic Interview. Her reporting was regularly featured on “The Experiment,” a […]
