
Global Neighbors. Global Prayers. (Neighborhood Seminary)


You’re invited to join Neighborhood Seminary monthly on fourth Tuesdays for prayers offered for and with Global Neighbors.  Each month the focus of prayers alternates between a nation/region of the world, and creation care/environmental justice. Rev. Kim Barker-Brugman serves as guide for these evenings of prayer. Kim is a pastor, spiritual director and gifted retreat […]


Lunch & Learn: Marketing and Community Engagement Strategies (The Conservation Fund)


Join us for a lunch-and-learn with Jenna Kranz from Uncomplicated Kitchen, who has cracked the code on marketing and communication. In this session, Jenna will share her insights on how to effectively engage with your community, raise funds, and grow your nonprofit's brand. She will provide valuable insights and actionable tips for organizations looking to make […]


Our Shared Journey: A Webinar on the Intersectionality of Asian American and Pacific Islander Experiences in the UMC (General Commission on Religion and Race)


J oin us on Thursday, May 25th at 3pm Eastern Time for the Our Shared Journey webinar. The Our Shared Journey webinar seeks to educate participants on some history of both Asian American and Pacific Islander cultures and the distinct differences between them. We will also cover the presence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders […]


$ Receive the Holy Spirit Book Club (Seedbed)


Receive the Holy Spirit is a seventy-day journey through the Scriptures, exploring the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Through stories, encouragement, prayers, and questions for group discussion, this book is a must-read for Christians who want to experience God’s Spirit at work in their lives. Discover anew the Spirit’s work in creation—bringing order to chaos, meaning […]

$15 – $30

A United Methodist Alert Webinar: Protecting & Empowering Immigration Ministries (National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry)


The National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry of the United Methodist Church (NPHLM) will launch an informative bi-lingual webinar about new state regulations being planned in Texas and Florida that will potentially impact churches serving immigrant communities. This webinar is presented in partnership with the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) and General Commission on […]


Partners in Health & Wholeness 201: PHW Evolving (NC Council of Churches)


For 14 years, PHW has worked to improve health outcomes for all North Carolinians by encouraging faith communities to recognize health as a faith issue. Our program has worked by connecting churches to resources and funding for their health ministries, most frequently through our $1,000 mini-grants. As PHW grows and evolves, the ways we encourage […]



Faith Talks (United Women in Faith)


Faith Talks are monthly conversations with United Women in Faith hosted by Jennifer R. Farmer, Spotlight PR.Each conversation explores themes and resources that empower us to put faith, hope and love into action.


Mental Health and the Church: Trauma-Informed Practices (NC Council of Churches)


This program is being offered for those seeking to know more about how to deal with issues of mental health and trauma within congregations productively. This conversation will abundantly help faith communities trying to destigmatize mental health and grow in their abilities to understand and address these issues. This workshop is a partnership event offered […]


Deaconess and Home Missioner Virtual Discernment Event (United Women in Faith)


The Office of Deaconess and Home Missioner invites those who are discerning a call to ministry to attend a virtual discernment event taking place on Thursday, June 1, 2023. This event is for laity in the United Methodist Church who feel called to full-time vocational ministries in diverse contexts. Qualifications for the Office of Deaconess […]


$ Digital Ministry: The Next Chapter (Fresh Expressions)


With more and more people plugged in and experiencing much of their life online, your church's online presence is no longer a novelty. How can churches go beyond posting content to crafting a meaningful digital ministry? This discussion will help you explore what digital ministry can be by providing a framework for understanding how to […]

$15 – $30

$ Awe and Wonder: The Arts in Worship (


Course Dates: June 5 – 16, 2023 You live in a visual world created by God, the Master Artist. When you connect your congregation to the arts in worship, you are inviting the Holy Spirit to shine! ‘Awe and Wonder: The Arts in Worship’ is for beginners or seasoned veterans of the arts as well […]


$ Pray Like Jesus: Rediscovering the Lord’s Prayer (


You are invited to join your instructor and fellow students in a two-week course that unpacks the existential power of the best-known prayer in the world. By reading, discussing, and engaging in practical exercises that guide you through re–reading and re–praying the Lord’s Prayer phrase-by-phrase, you will gain a better awareness and understanding of this […]
