The Church We Dream Of (UMCNext)


Mainstream UMC is partnering with UMCNext in the first of a series of roundtable conversations entitled, “The Church We Dream Of,” beginning Thursday, February 1 at 7:00 p.m. EST. There will be four such UMCNext roundtables, led by different voices, before General Conference and then one final roundtable LIVE in Charlotte the evening before General Conference begins. […]


Feeding the Hungry, Caring for Creation: A Two-Part Webinar on Fighting Global Food Insecurity in an Era of Environmental Crisis (Duke Divinity School)


The Gospel calls Christians to ensure that all have access to adequate nutrition. Humans produce more food per capita than at any other time in history, yet we find ourselves in an age when global food insecurity has emerged as a defining challenge of our time. The Bible also enjoins humankind to steward creation. Yet, […]


Deaconess and Home Missioner Virtual Discernment Event (United Women in Faith)


The Office of Deaconess and Home Missioner invites those who are discerning a call to ministry to attend a virtual discernment event taking place on Thursday, February 1, 2024. Register here. This event is for laity in the United Methodist Church who feel called to full-time vocational ministries in diverse contexts. Qualifications for the Office of […]


Stewarding Sacred Stories: A Shared Vocation (Duke Divinity School)


This virtual seminar is part of a semi-monthly series exploring themes at the intersections of theology, medicine, and culture. This week's seminar is given by David Finnegan-Hosey, M.Div., author of Christ on the Psych Ward and Grace is a Pre-Existing Condition: Faith, Systems, and Mental Healthcare. Registration is free and open to the public. CME credits are available […]


Small Church Week (Fresh Expressions)


Most churches in North America are small churches. But few resources or training experiences are designed with smaller congregations in mind. Small Church Week is a week-long live training experience designed to equip the leaders of the average North American church for the opportunities of 2024. You will learn: Small Church Week is FREE and […]


$ Teaching and Leading Small Groups (


Course Dates: February 5 – 19, 2024 In this interactive two week course, you will learn to lead and teach more effectively so that people you minister with better retain and apply the Good News to their lives. Whether you are a new or seasoned teacher, you will discover a comprehensive “101” approach to faith […]


Clergy: Stay on Top of Your Taxes 2024 (Discipleship Ministries)


Clergy face some unique challenges when it comes to things like social security payments, estimated tax payments, housing allowances or exclusions, and reimbursed expenses. Your corner tax preparer may not understand the unique situation of clergy, and finding a preparer who does can save you substantially in money and aggravation. Join us as the Rev. […]


The Politics of Jesus: Rediscovering the True Revolutionary Nature of Jesus’ Teachings and How They Have Been Corrupted (Hood Theological Seminary)


The Politics of Jesus: Rediscovering the True Revolutionary Nature of Jesus' Teachings and How They Have Been Corrupted Join us for a free online course offering via Zoom presented by the Pathways For Tomorrow Initiative of the Lilly Endowment, Inc. Facilitated by Obery Hendricks, Jr., Ph.D. About The Facilitator: Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., Ph.D. Visiting Scholar, Departments of Religion & African and African […]


General Conference is Coming. What Can You Do? (Reconciling Ministries Network)


General Conference 2024 is drawing near, and this is a historic opportunity for the Reconciling movement to advance justice and inclusion for LGBTQ+ United Methodists in the Church. RMN Organizers will discuss what you can do to make an impact in this season. Come ready to learn and be energized, and bring a friend!


$ Interior Castle with James Finley & Mirabai Starr (Center for Action and Contemplation)


A spiritual journey through the seven mansions of St. Teresa of Ávila’s Interior Castle. Practices of prayer, reflection, humility, and self-knowledge will turn spiritual insights into experiential wisdom. REGISTRATION December 20, 2023 – January 30, 2024 START DATE February 7, 2024 An 8-week online course journeying through the seven mansions of St. Teresa of Ávila’s Interior […]
