$ Off to See: Using Nautical Knowledge for Deeper Discipleship (BeADisciple.com)


This two-week course is for restless doers who are looking for new ways to learn about discipleship from Jesus. In this engaging course, you will also begin to connect with the skills and concepts the first disciples knew implicitly from fishing and boating, even if you don’t have prior fishing or boating experiences. The class […]


$ Cultivating Faith: Gardening as an Experiential Bible Study (BeADisciple.com)


This two-week course is for passionate gardeners who are curious about how to grow their faith by using God’s scriptures and creation as their example. By the second day you will begin to take a hands-on approach to cultivate your faith with God’s help, even if you don’t think you have a green thumb. The […]


$ Defining Spiritual Formation: An Introduction (BeADisciple.com)


Spiritual formation isn’t new; it’s only been lost for a while. (Dallas Willard, Leadership Journal, Summer 2005) What is this arena of ministry which folks are calling “Spiritual Formation”?How does it compare and contrast with the popular notion of “Christian discipleship”? Defining spiritual formation is a two-week introduction to the field of spiritual formation–designed to […]


Creation Care Book Discussion (NCC Creation Care)


Our next discussion will be:   When: 10:30 AM on Monday, April 25 Where:  ZoomTopic:Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us into the Sacred by Victoria Loorz.Indiebound.org; bookshop.org; amazonYou are invited to a Zoom meeting.When: April 25, 2022 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcldeGorDMuHdZQZGwL2D3kKPgjCf9abFFG After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing […]


Sparkhouse in the Summer 2022 (Sparkhouse Publishing)


Sparkhouse has great resources for summer use: Journey Together: Twelve Intergenerational Summer EventsGood Stewards Together: Twelve Intergenerational Summer EventsCreative Arts Camp: Four Summer VBS Programs.ReNew: The Green VBSDigital Activity Kits for Summer You are invited to attend a 45-minute webinar and walk through these resources as well as explore other Sparkhouse options for summer use.


COSROW Book Club: Biblical Womanhood (NCC COSROW)


In April we will be discussingThe Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truthby Beth Allison Barr Zoom link:https://nccumc.zoom.us/j/98737502045


$ Moral Leadership in Public Life: A Four-Session Journey to Pentecost for NC Conference Clergy (Center for Leadership Excellence)


In the context of America’s rising Christian nationalism, pastors and church leaders face a particular challenge: how to navigate the hot-button issues that are being used to divide people while leading public witness at a moment when many see faith as a principal driver of division. This 4-session seminar is a journey to Pentecost designed […]


$ A Storyteller Looks at the Parables (ClergyEducation.com)


Charles Maynard is a lot of things to a lot of people. To some, he’s the author of several books on the mountains and historical characters.To some, he’s author of United Methodist books like Tidings of Comfort and Joy and A Storyteller Looks at the Parables.To others, he’s a pastor at one of the largest United Methodist congregations, […]


$ A Storyteller Looks at the Parables (ClergyEducation.com)


Charles Maynard is a lot of things to a lot of people. To some, he’s the author of several books on the mountains and historical characters.To some, he’s author of United Methodist books like Tidings of Comfort and Joy and A Storyteller Looks at the Parables.To others, he’s a pastor at one of the largest United Methodist congregations, […]


$ Timeless Wisdom for Our Present Moment (Duke Divinity School)


A virtual lecture series exploring virtue during a timewhen truth no longer matters in our public life and politics. What are the practices that cultivate a virtuous life, and how do they help the church to live faithfully in today's world? Dr. Stanley Hauerwas, named "America’s Best Theologian" by Time magazine in 2001 and Gilbert […]
