$ Church @ Play: How Your Passions, Curiosities and Hobbies Can Help Start Fresh Expressions of Church (Fresh Expressions)


What does your neighborhood and your congregation have in common? Both are full of people who dedicate tremendous energy to passions and hobbies. In this Resilient Church Academy track, you will learn a process for helping people reimagine the fun activities they do in their free time as a starting point for launching a Fresh […]




The September COSROW Book Club selection is Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation by Kristin Kobes Du Mez Join in a discussion of the book on September 20th at 1pm. https://nccumc.zoom.us/j/98737502045 Contact Lindsay Collins if you have questions -- lcollins@nccumc.org


Nature’s Best Hope, with Doug Tallamy (NCC Creation Care)


Recent headlines about global insect declines and three billion fewer birds in North America are a bleak reality check about how ineffective our current landscape designs have been at sustaining the plants and animals that sustain us. To create landscapes that enhance local ecosystems rather than degrade them, we must 10 remove the invasives on […]


Finishing Strong in the 4th Quarter (Discipleship Ministries)


The last three months of the year are crucial in funding ministry and mission. It’s about more than whether you will meet the budget, it’s about whether your church will have the strength and confidence to meet the challenges of ministry in the coming year! In these days of COVID uneasiness and economic uncertainty, an […]


You, UMPIP and Your Future (Wespath)


Please join the Benefit Educators to learn about the different ways you can take advantage of UMPIP to save for retirement. This webinar will include information about the plan and access to your account information, as well as everyone’s favorite topic: taxes! As requested by previous webinar attendees, we’ll talk about the various contribution types […]


Seeking Justice and Redemption in the Public Square by Bryan Stevenson (Duke University)

Update: Stevenson's in-person talk at Duke Chapel on September 21 is sold out. Registration for the livestream of the event is available here. The author and human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson will speak at Duke at two upcoming events: Wednesday, September 21, at 6:00 p.m. in Duke University Chapel and Thursday, September 22, at 5:00 p.m. in Page Auditorium. […]


$ Vision-Casting Essentials: How to Inspire Congregations to Try New Things (Fresh Expressions)


Most congregations have struggled to reengage their participants since the COVID-19 pandemic. While leading change is difficult, there are tried and true practices which will help any leader cast a new vision for what their church can be. In this Resilient Church Academy track, you will learn straightforward methods for using weekend gatherings, digital media […]


Undenied: No Longer Willing to be Unheard (Northern Illinois Conference)


The Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force and their partners, are pleased to announce our 2022 Speaker Series. During this 4-part series that extends into December and includes a 6-week book study in the fall, we will journey together to prayerfully learn, engage, and tackle our personal and corporate role in addressing racism. Rev. Chebon […]


$ Forging a New Path – Moving the Church Forward in a Post-Pandemic World (ClergyEducation.com)


In the twenty-first century, his question echoes through time in a new way: Can this church grow again? For people who care about faith-based communities, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom of God, this question is critical. When the pandemic broke out, it badly disrupted church life, already hindered by declining membership, forcing […]


$ Connectional Living and Connectional Giving (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


This course helps lay servants understand and share the world transforming power of connectional giving rooted in the biblical/Wesleyan tradition.  Learn About the Course HereThis advanced class is open to anyone who would like to better understand the way your church’s apportionment is utilized. This class maybe used for renewal credit or used as the advanced […]


$ 5-Day Academy (Academy for Spiritual Formation)


Faculty: Jeremy Troxler: “The Widow’s Way: Pursuing Justice and Peace through Persistent Prayer and Direct Relationship”    Dr. Velda Love: “Radical Spirituality and Radical Self-Care: Caring for and Healing Black and Brown Bodies” Contact: Claire Cox-Woodlief , nc5dayacademy@gmail.com Registrar: Ani Simpkins, 800.849.4433 or ani.simpkins@nccumc.org Sponsor: North Carolina Conference of the UMC and The Upper Room Registration fee includes meals, lodging, lectures, and materials.
