$ Making the Most of Easter (ShareChurch)


As we head into a year most expect to be better than the one we just concluded, Easter is a great opportunity to offer hope, fun and encouragement to families across your community. As you prepare, our team is ready to help with ideas, lessons and tips we’ve found can make or break this major […]


iGive.com Webinar – Promoting Your Cause (iGive.com)


iGive strives to make it easy for you to support the cause you care about. Guest speakers will help you understand the best way to tell your charity's story in the most effective way possible. United Methodist churches can raise money using iGive through UMC Market. More info at https://www.umcmarket.org/.


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (BeADisciple.com)


February 27 – March 17, 2023 The history, heritage, beliefs, mission and culture of the United Methodist Church for anyone – newcomer or longtime member – who wants to know what’s distinctive about being a United Methodist Christian. We’ll explore the special gifts of theology and witness that the Wesleyan tradition brings to the Church […]


COSROW Book Club: “A Hole in the World” (NCC COSROW)


The February COSROW Book Club selection is A Hole in the World by Amanda Held Opelt Join in a discussion of the book on February 27th at 1pm. https://nccumc.zoom.us/j/98737502045 Contact Lindsay Collins if you have questions -- lcollins@nccumc.org Please feel free to share and invite other clergy (female AND male clergy are invited to participate).


MFSA’s Organizational Racial Audit Presentation (Methodist Federation for Social Action)


The Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) will be holding a Justice-Seeking Movement Wide Webinar to share the results of a three-year organizational racial audit that the organization has conducted to find the places where it has been complicit with white-supremacy and make recommendations for improvement. The webinar will begin the process of working with […]


2023 Technology Updates for Your Ministry (General Council on Finance and Administration)


Are your ministry’s computer keeping up with all you have to do? Is important information secure – like donor and employee personal information? Are you sure? Join UMC Support’s IT expert Josh Wallin as he guides us through important computer updates for 2023 – and learn how the power to update your computer may already […]


$ Kevin Slimp: Even More Ways to Effectively Communicate with Your Church and Community (ClergyEducation.com)


This session is for everyone, no matter the size of your church or whether you’ve attended previous communications webinars by Kevin Slimp. If you’ve attended Kevin’s earlier webinar,  then this webinar is for you! It’s even for folks who haven’t attended the original session. And no one is left out. This webinar includes great information […]


Together We Dine, a Vital Conversation on Race Relations (General Commission on Religion and Race)


Started in 2017 in partnership with the Dallas Bar Association, Together We Dine (TWD) provides an opportunity for participants to have a safe, courageous and authentic conversations about race relations and other community related topics typically over a meal. While we now host Dine events in-person again, TWD continues as a virtual experience via Zoom […]


Global Neighbors. Global Prayers. (Neighborhood Seminary)


You’re invited to join Neighborhood Seminary monthly on fourth Tuesdays for prayers offered for and with Global Neighbors.  Each month the focus of prayers alternates between a nation/region of the world, and creation care/environmental justice. Rev. Kim Barker-Brugman serves as guide for these evenings of prayer. Kim is a pastor, spiritual director and gifted retreat […]


“Many are Called?” Medicine as Ministry to Poor and Marginalized Communities (Duke Divinity School)


Dr. Dowell received her bachelor’s degree in Biology from Loyola University and later, her Medical Degree from the University of Illinois after which she completed her Pediatric Residency at the University of Chicago. Dr. Dowell currently serves as a primary care physician and Site Medical Director at the Homan Square branch of the Lawndale Christian […]
