Building a Legacy Within Your Church Through Your Next Gen Ministry with Candice Wynn (Strengthening the Black Church)
OnlineLeadership Forward - Lunch & Learns An hour packed with encouraging and engaging leadership tools to prepare you for next.
Leadership Forward - Lunch & Learns An hour packed with encouraging and engaging leadership tools to prepare you for next.
Bishop Sharma Lewis reminds us that as clergy, we are called, among other things, to preach. There is a tremendous response each time Bishop Lewis leads a webinar on preaching – and she is serious about including brand new information each time she leads a session for us. Bishop Lewis, author of 2020’s best-selling books, Journey […]
Join us explore the sacred act of creation through Elizabeth Rush's The Quickening. This book recounts a pioneering expedition to the thawing realms of Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier, paralleled with Rush's contemplative narrative on the ethics and implications of motherhood in an era of environmental uncertainty. This discussion will foster a deep theological reflection on our pursuit […]
Recording our personal stories can be a taxing process, especially when we think of sharing them beyond our often very small circle of trusted readers. As writers, we draw our inspiration from life, observed and experienced. We then weave those truths artfully into stories that convey the distilled essence of our true stories, but does […]
Course Dates: July 22 – 26, 2024 Young seniors often feel the early effects of aging. Not being as strong or flexible today as they once were is a common warning sign that what was once possible with ease is becoming a struggle. Maintaining a home becomes more difficult, keeping up with meal preparation evolves into a challenge, and […]
For clergy serving in cross racial/cross-cultural ministries, intentionality around the first 100 days of a new ministerial appointment can make a significant difference in the long-term health, sustainability and overall effectiveness toward a clergy person’s ability to pastor across difference. Mark your calendars and join GCORR for the “First 100 days of CRCC Ministry” summer […]
You’re invited to join Neighborhood Seminary monthly on fourth Tuesdays for prayers offered for and with Global Neighbors. Each month the focus of prayers alternates between a nation/region of the world, and creation care/environmental justice. Rev. Kim Barker-Brugman serves as guide for these evenings of prayer. Kim is a pastor, spiritual director and gifted retreat […]
Are you looking for a message of hope for this year's Advent worship? Join us for our summer webinars on Tuesdays, July 9, 16, and 23 at 7:00 PM EST/6:00 PM CST. We will engage in courageous conversations about planning a worship service that offers hope for those living with HIV. This is an opportunity […]
Time to step back and dream about new ways to join God’s mission. Summer is a great time to step back, think deeply about your ministry and dream about new ways to join God’s mission. The Summer Book club gives you three chances to think through new opportunities, along with fellow church leaders and the […]
There are few rights as sacred as the right to vote. Unfortunately, every election cycle there are nefarious efforts to sway electoral outcomes or influence elections in a way that benefits persons with extreme wealth and power. Join us August 15 at 2 p.m. ET for a live recording of the Faith Talks podcast as […]
July 29 - August 19 Iliff’s Authentic Engagement™ program provides tools for leaders to develop and nurture organizational cultures in which people of diverse backgrounds feel valued, are deeply connected to one other, and are aligned with a shared mission. This kind of engaged leader is able to recognize those who have the potential to […]
Course Dates: July 29 – August 9, 2024 This course is for those who must preach in the wake of mass trauma. ‘Preaching on Fractured Ground’ is designed to help pastors and other leaders prepare sermons for “holding the reality of brokenness, pain, and traumatic loss on one side and hope, resurrection, and redemption on […]
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