$ Even More Ways to Effectively Communicate with Your Church and Community (ClergyEducation.com)


More than 500 clergypersons have attended Kevin Slimp’s original session titled, “Effective Communication to Grow Your Church.” If you’ve attended Kevin’s earlier webinar,  then this webinar is for you! It’s even for folks who haven’t attended the original session. In this session, Kevin will move beyond the information shared in his first session and look […]


Handling the Church’s Money in a New Day (Discipleship Ministries)


Handling money in the church is getting more complicated. Some of us remember a day when “cash or check” was the only variable once the offering plates were emptied. Donations were recorded on mimeographed counter’s forms, and each household’s donation were recorded on accounting ledger paper. The world is much different today, and as money […]


Day of Giving Facebook Live Event (United Women in Faith)


Our members continue to put their faith, hope, and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth in our communities and around the world. On Day of Giving, March 23, you can ensure that future generations of women can continue this vital legacy. Donations received on Day of Giving will continue to multiply because […]


IPL of the Carolinas #ClimateRevival (NC Council of Churches)


NC Council of Churches' NCIPL campaign is co-hosting a “climate revival” with SCIPL where we will galvanize people of faith in North & South Carolina to take climate action, protect democracy by advocating for voting rights and environmental justice. Legendary civil rights leader, the Rev. Leo Woodberry will be joining us as our keynote speaker. The […]


UMCmarket Webinar – Beginners & Beyond (General Council on Finance and Administration)


With UMCmarket powered by iGive, you can support your ministry with ease. Shopping online earns donations for your chosen ministry and with tools like the iGive Button, it happens automagically! We'll share tools for spreading the word & tracking the checks earned and share our latest innovations & donation earning opportunities in this 30 minute […]


Adiestramiento en línea Para el clero: Obtén sabiduría al preparar tus impuestos (Discipleship Ministries)


El clero enfrenta algunos desafíos particulares en asuntos, tales como: los pagos al seguro social, al calcular el pago de impuestos, las asignaciones o exclusiones de vivienda y los reembolso de gastos. Además, puede que tenga preguntas sobre cuáles son las implicaciones de la pandemia en su situación fiscal de 2021. Es posible que quien […]


$ The Enneagram for Growth (BeADisciple.com)


A follow-up to BeADisciple.com’s “Introduction to the Enneagram,” this course is for those who already have an awareness of the Enneagram and the Enneagram type they consider to be “their” type, or their home space. Learners will explore the central triads of the Enneagram, how Enneagram stance influences how they experience and relate to the world, how each number (style) tends to shift to other […]


Book Discussion: “Saving Us” (NCC Creation Care)


The next book discussion will be at 10:30 AM on Monday, March 28 and the topic will be Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katharine Hayhoe.Indiebound.org; bookshop.org; amazonYou are invited to a Zoom meeting.When: Mar 28, 2022 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcldeGorDMuHdZQZGwL2D3kKPgjCf9abFFG […]


NC Child 2022 Kids Virtual Conference (NC Child)


2022 Kids is a two-day policy summit for North Carolina’s advocates for children. You are invited to help us: – Learn from peers who are developing community-driven policy solutions, – Deepen awareness and work on centering racial equity, and – Connect and build power to advance racially equitably public policies. Community-led advocacy is essential for […]


12 Principles for a Carbon Plan in the Public Interest (NC Council of Churches)


How can you help shape a Fossil-Free NC? NC Interfaith Power & Light (NCIPL) is part of the People Power NC collaborative and we are hosting an informational webinar to learn about the state’s carbon planning process and how you can speak up for the energy future you want. We need to hear directly from […]


$ Missional Accountability – Focusing on What God Desires (ClergyEducation.com)


While we find struggling churches in different contexts, theological backgrounds, sizes, and cultures, declining congregations have one thing in common: A palpable lack of focus on what God desires. They have collectively ceased seeking God’s plan for their congregations and communities. Conversely, all thriving churches have leaders fearlessly living in God’s purpose, both individually and […]
