Faith & Community: Health & Wellness Peer Network Group (NCSU Institute for Emerging Issues)


Many faith communities across North Carolina lead health and wellness partnerships for the holistic well-being of their congregants and community members. The Faith & Community team invites you to join Rev. Jessica Stokes, Program Manager of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Faith-Based Initiatives, sharing about programs and resources available to North Carolina faith communities to grow […]


$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)


Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we […]

$10 – $40

Empowering United Methodists for Inclusive Mission & Ministry (United Methodist Association of Retired Clergy & Friends)


Laity and Clergy:Join us by Zoom for the seventh annual inclusiveness conference on Saturday morning, November 18, 2023, sponsored by the United Methodist Association of Retired Clergy & Friends (UMARC). It is free, you just have to register: Register for the Webinar! Move beyond the divisiveness of past years and embrace the excitement of Empowering United Methodists […]


$ Biblical Women, Advent Waiting, and 21st Century Lives (


Course Dates: November 27 – December 23, 2023 In this course, learners will look at five biblical women through the lens of H.O.P.E. (Honesty, Opportunity, Persistence, and Efficacy), explore active waiting, and find ways to engage more hopefully in the world today.   They’ll see how……Tamar controls her waiting, deceives, and forces honesty from the dishonest!…Hannah […]


$ Taking Back Advent: Moving Toward the Miraculous (


Course Dates: November 27 – December 21, 2023 “Taking Back Advent” is the perfect way to keep the miracle of Christmas in our days. The course and companion book will help incorporate your own family traditions into suggested activities, and let you savor an intentionally short and easy-to-understand devotional. You will find it convenient to fit […]


$ Invent Event (


Course Dates: November 27 – December 1, 2023 How can we “love others” more? What can we give them that we haven’t? Let’s work with our minds and hands on some new ways to give them our hearts. We will get together for a three-hour Zoom workshop to collaborate through creative problem-solving and inventing ways […]


Book Discussion: “The Darkness Manifesto” (NCC Creation Care)


On November 27 at 10:30 a.m. we will discuss The Darkness Manifesto: On Light Pollution, Night Ecology, and the Ancient Rhythms that Sustain Life by Johan Eklöf and Elizabeth DeNoma.  Amazon.   Barnes & Noble.     Ebook  Contact Tracy Sexton:


$ Light from Afar: Experiencing Advent Around the World (Upper Room)


Advent is celebrated differently throughout the world. Some cultures barely observe the waiting and focus on the Christmas celebration. Others feel deeply the contrast between present circumstances and God’s promise of a better future, making for a season of fasting and prayer. All of them focus on Christ as the Light of the world. Light […]


Global Neighbors. Global Prayers. (Neighborhood Seminary)


You’re invited to join Neighborhood Seminary monthly on fourth Tuesdays for prayers offered for and with Global Neighbors.  Each month the focus of prayers alternates between a nation/region of the world, and creation care/environmental justice. Rev. Kim Barker-Brugman serves as guide for these evenings of prayer. Kim is a pastor, spiritual director and gifted retreat […]
