$ Spiritual Gifts Microcourse (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: May 20 – 24, 2024 This microcourse is for those who want a basic introduction to spiritual gifts. It will provide an overview of material from the LSM course “Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts,” without the two-week commitment while retaining the scriptural and spiritual foundations of gift-based ministry.   To earn .5 CEUs and a […]


First 100 Days of Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural Ministry Webinar Series (General Commission on Religion and Race)


For clergy serving in cross racial/cross-cultural ministries, intentionality around the first 100 days of a new ministerial appointment can make a significant difference in the long-term health, sustainability and overall effectiveness toward a clergy person’s ability to pastor across difference. Mark your calendars and join GCORR for the “First 100 days of CRCC Ministry” summer […]


Stewardship That Can Save the World (Discipleship Ministries)


The growing climate crisis has forced many congregations to adopt a wider understanding of the word “stewardship.” This wider understanding has proved healthy not just for the creation care movement; it is one more way to show that our stewardship and discipleship are not separate but intertwined. It can also help us move people to […]


Creation Care Book Discussion: “The Carbon Almanac” (NCC Creation Care)


Our last book discussion before summer break will be: On a different day of the week, since the regular meeting day would be Memorial Day: Wednesday, May 22 at 10:30 The Carbon Almanac: It's Not Too Late by The Carbon Almanac Network and Seth Godin  Bookshop; Barnes & Nobel; Amazon I'll send you a reminder a few days before we […]


Creation Care District Training (NCC Creation Care)


Last year, both the North Carolina and Western NC Conferences passed similar resolutions urging local churches to form creation care teams or begin (or continue) creation care ministries. To assist local churches, both Conferences have rolled out a collaborative training workshop across the state. Rev. Jarrod Davis, Creation Ministries Coordinator for NCC and WNCC, will […]


Global Neighbors. Global Prayers. (Neighborhood Seminary)


You’re invited to join Neighborhood Seminary monthly on fourth Tuesdays for prayers offered for and with Global Neighbors.  Each month the focus of prayers alternates between a nation/region of the world, and creation care/environmental justice. Rev. Kim Barker-Brugman serves as guide for these evenings of prayer. Kim is a pastor, spiritual director and gifted retreat […]



Creation Care District Training (NCC Creation Care)


Last year, both the North Carolina and Western NC Conferences passed similar resolutions urging local churches to form creation care teams or begin (or continue) creation care ministries. To assist local churches, both Conferences have rolled out a collaborative training workshop across the state. Rev. Jarrod Davis, Creation Ministries Coordinator for NCC and WNCC, will […]


$ Awe and Wonder: The Arts in Worship (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: June 3 – 14, 2024 You live in a visual world created by God, the Master Artist. When you connect your congregation to the arts in worship, you are inviting the Holy Spirit to shine! ‘Awe and Wonder: The Arts in Worship’ is for beginners or learners who need a refresh of the […]
