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Why Trust and Trying Harder are Not Enough: Leading Your Congregation Through Deep and Disruptive Change (Fresh Expressions)

January 17, 2023 @ 2:30 pm 3:30 pm

In a world where so many leaders seem to be either burning out or crashing in a moral crisis, it would seem that being a leader that others can rely on would be the gold standard. But what if it is necessary, but not enough? What then?

And what if I am already too tired to even think about adding something more to my “leadership level up list”, what do I do?

And even more, what if I have run out of inspiring sermons or motivational team talks? How do I lead then?

This webinar is about leadership that is beyond being perfectly trustworthy, trying harder, or being charismatically inspiring. It’s about real leadership for real challenges in real time. And it’s mostly about some small tweaks to what you are already doing and learning one new thing that you are probably interested in doing anyway.
