
$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)


Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we […]

$10 – $40


$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)


Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we […]

$10 – $40


$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)


Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we […]

$10 – $40


$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)


Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we […]

$10 – $40


$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)


Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we […]

$10 – $40


$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)


Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we […]

$10 – $40