Over the past two years, recent challenges have changed the church and the community. While challenges are difficult, they also bring opportunities for growth, innovation, and strengthening discipleship and how we engage the community around us. To maintain connections with those already in the congregation and to connect with new people in the neighborhood, most congregations turned to online worship and began exploring online discipleship, using technology to offer creative ways to connect. The same began to occur with community engagement, as church leaders sought innovative ways to connect with neighbors. From online interactions to discerning ways to meet needs in the community when we could no longer gather physically, churches met new challenges with creative responses.
As we move further from the initial challenge of COVID-19, we still have the opportunity to seize on a season of growth, strength, and innovation toward community engagement.
This seven-session webinar series will guide you through seven models to offer a glimpse of what will work best in your context and the resources to help get you started so your congregation’s goals for community engagement can be met. Each weekly session is an hour long and will provide an opportunity for questions, feedback, and sharing ideas with participants and panelists. These sessions will also be recorded if you are unable to attend.
This series runs from September 6 through October 18. Each one-hour session is from 11 a.m. to noon, Central Time. The cost for the series is $50, and recordings of the individual sessions will be available to registered participants afterward. If you are seeking creative ways to grow your congregation’s engagement in the community and deepen relationships with neighbors, this series is sure to be helpful as you discern what is most effective where you live.
If you have any questions or would like to reach out, contact Bryan Tener at btener@umcdiscipleship.org.