Physical & Mailing Address:
NC Conference Media Center
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529-3365
Text or Call: 984-257-0981
Self-Checkout Hours:
8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Thursday
Fridays are by appointment only.
Laura Dallas
Marketing & Resource Coordinator
Do you have an NCCUMC.org email address?
You can use Gmail Chat to chat online with Laura Dallas any time the icon next to her name is green. These services are freely available as part of the Conference’s Google Apps system. You can access your Google Apps account by logging in at http://mail.google.com.
Follow us on Facebook!
Follow the North Carolina Conference Facebook page and look for our weekly #MediaMonday posts! We share about new and relevant resources for your ministry.
Join our Facebook Group!
Join our private Facebook group for United Methodist Small Group Leaders and those who resource them (pastors, librarians, etc.). It also offers weekly giveaways!
Offsite Group Meetings:
Laura is available to meet with your church group. If your church is nearby, holding a meeting at the Methodist building, or hosting a large gathering at your church, she may be available to provide recommended resources and information on what the Media Center has to offer.
Download the Media Center brochure to inform your church leaders about what the Conference Media Center has to offer.