Over the past few years, churches have adopted new ways of connecting through social media. United Methodist Communications has provided training on social media for the past decade. We have moved from a mindset of “you should get on social media” to “how can your church get the most out of your social media.” This training presentation led by John Haney, Senior Training and Development Specialist for United Methodist Communications, will examine some important concepts for your social media with a significant focus on how to get the most out of Facebook Groups.
He’ll then take time to answer your submitted questions to help you in utilizing this tool to further your ministry efforts.
12pm CT – Facebook Groups for Churches training presentation. (Approx. 25 minutes)
Immediately following – Live Q&A session
Leading up to the event look for posts on the United Methodist Communications Facebook page that encourage you to submit your questions for the Q&A in advance,
The day of the event, submit questions as a comment on the live video streaming post on the UMCom Facebook page at Facebook.com/umcom.
The event is part of a Social Media Day celebration where we will be sharing helpful resources throughout the day. Learn more at UMCom.org/SocialMediaDay.