The #BeUMC campaign reminds us of who we are at our best — the spirit-filled, resilient, connected, missional, faithful, diverse, deeply rooted, committed, disciple-making, Jesus-seeking, generous, justice-seeking, world-changing people of God called The United Methodist Church.
As we celebrate Easter, our focus this month is on how we are Jesus-seeking people of God. Use the resources listed here to teach and learn about Jesus and the many ways we continue to seek Him. We offer books, movies, and small-group studies on Jesus for adults, youth, and children.
We also celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd. Look to the bottom of this post for resources on creation care for beginners and also for those already deeply concerned with care for the Earth.
DVD Studies
These studies for adult small groups focus on Jesus and what He means to our lives today. They each use a DVD, leader guide, and participant book. For a complete list beyond what is shown here, view our DVD Studies about Jesus genre collection.
United Methodist Authors
Let’s begin by highlighting some excellent DVD studies by United Methodist authors that give a Wesleyan view of Jesus and the ways we seek Him.

The Jesus Challenge: 21 Days of Loving God and Neighbor by Justin LaRosa. This 3-week study invites us to live lives that center on loving God and loving others as ourselves.
Revolutionary Kingdom: Following the Rebel Jesus by Mike Slaughter with Karen Perry Smith. We must exchange comfortable cultural worldviews and values for the radical requirements of living out the Kingdom in the here and now.
A New Playlist: Hearing Jesus in a Noisy World by Jacob Armstrong. Cut through the distractions of life to hear God more clearly.
Jesus Apprentice: Doing What Jesus Did by Jeff Kirby. This 4-week study is a very simple introduction to a new way of thinking about the nature of Christian living.
What Makes A Hero? The Death-Defying Ministry of Jesus by Matt Rawle. Looking at pop culture heroes and others through the lens of faith, Matt Rawle shows how Jesus turned the concept of hero on its head.
Hollywood Jesus: A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture by Matt Rawle. What happens when script meets Scripture, when pop culture encounters the King of kings and Lord of lords?
The God We Can Know: Exploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus by Rob Fuquay. The gospel comes to life as you move through the Holy Land in this fast-paced, interactive journey that helps you discover Jesus anew.
The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus by Adam Hamilton. Using historical information, archaeological data, and stories of the faith, Hamilton follows in the footsteps of Jesus from his baptism to the temptations to the heart of his ministry.
Other Authors
Many other authors have produced excellent studies on Jesus. We recommend the following.

The Jesus I Never Knew: Six Sessions on the Life of Christ by Philip Yancey. Yancey uses film portraits of Jesus and contrasts them with the Jesus of the Bible.
The Red Letters: The Words of Jesus for Today’s World by Tony Campolo with Colin McCartney. Campolo and McCartney confront complacency and assert that the issues Jesus spoke directly about should be the priorities of God’s people.
Who Is This Man? The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus by John Ortberg. This 5-session study illustrates how Jesus’ influence has swept over history, bringing his inspiration to the evolution of art, science, government, medicine, and education.
Jesus: The New Way by N. T. Wright. Wright’s acclaimed scholarship is delivered in a winsome and understandable way, showing how Jesus is the fulfillment of Israel’s ancient hopes and humanity’s deepest dreams.
People Who Met Jesus. This series of eight short video stories is about the people who met Jesus. A second series is also available.
Determined: Living Like Jesus in Every Moment: A Study of Luke by Heather M. Dixon. Follow the life and ministry of Jesus as we consider the choices He made on His way to the cross.
Never Alone: 6 Encounters with Jesus to Heal Your Deepest Hurts by Tiffany Bluhm. Through encounters with six hurting women in the Gospels, this women’s study helps us to recognize the grace-giving love and unfailing companionship of Jesus.
Deeper Connections series. This series of five separate studies covers the life, prayers, parables, forgiveness, and last days of Jesus.
Books about Jesus
Engage with these books for individual or group study to learn more about Jesus.

Apprenticed to Jesus: Christian Practices for Growing Disciples by Thomas R. Hawkins. Using the call narratives in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, this book connects discipleship with the purpose and mission of the church.
Why Jesus? by William H. Willimon. There is another Jesus, the mysterious preacher from Nazareth who continues to invite men and women to claim the true meaning of their lives by giving their lives away in service to God and others.
Jesus Manifesto: Restoring the Supremacy and Sovereignty of Jesus Christ by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola. Readers must learn the subtle distinction between following Christ and realizing Christ already lives within them.
Jesus: A Theography by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola. The authors reclaim the entire Bible as a gripping narrative about Jesus Christ.
The Jesus Way: A Conversation on the Ways that Jesus is the Way by Eugene H. Peterson. The ways of those who came before Christ, Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, and Isaiah, revealed and prepared the “way of the Lord” that became incarnate and complete in Jesus.
A Biography of Jesus by Tom J. Cowley. Here is the narrative of Jesus’ life in a brief, chronological, and easy-to-understand presentation.
Jesus, Our Spiritual Director: A Pilgrimage through the Gospels by Wendy J. Miller. Miller helps readers see the ways in which Jesus guided His first disciples.
The Words of Jesus: A Gospel of the Sayings of Our Lord with Reflections by Phyllis Tickle. Tickle has compiled and arranged all the sayings of Jesus from the first four books of the New Testament and the first chapter of the Book of Acts in a way that creates an entirely new kind of encounter with the texts.
Documentaries & Movies
Enrich your Bible study or family time with a DVD that explores the life of Jesus. Many more movies are available in our Bible Documentaries, Documentaries, and Movie Night pathfinders.

The Jesus Film. Experience the most-watched film in history taken directly from the book of Luke. Many language translations are included.
Jesus: The Desire of Ages. This 1-hour film tells the familiar story in a fresh way, through the eyes of those who knew and loved the Son of Man.
Jesus: Who Do Men Say That I Am? This intriguing investigation with everyday people and leading Bible scholars reveals some refreshing and often startling answers to the title question.
Jesus of Nazareth. Praised by critics and religious leaders worldwide, this epic movie accurately portrays Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.
Journeying with Jesus in the Holy Land. David Nunn’s enthusiastic presentation never tires as he features the latest archaeological discoveries and the insights they provide.
Yeshua / Jesus: Exploring the Jewish Roots of Jesus. This video uncovers some wonderful truths about the character, background, and personality of Jesus which have been overlooked by much of the church.
The Jesus Accounts. The program draws on the expertise of numerous New Testament scholars and helpfully explains the background to the spread of the first manuscripts.
Behold the Man: A Journey Into History Seeking the Real Jesus. The presenters guide us through the evidence from history, literature, and archaeology to examine the case for Jesus Christ and his claims.
For Youth
Use these studies and curricula with youth groups to teach them about Jesus.

Fathom: The Passion, The Death and Resurrection of Jesus: A Deep Dive Into the Story of God by Katie Heierman. Explore the events surrounding Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion and their meaning for believers today.
Who Do You Say That I Am? Meeting Jesus through the Eyes of Mark by Carolyn Poling. The study guides youth through the Gospel of Mark, helping them to define who Jesus is to them, who he says he is in scripture, and how this impacts how we live our lives.
Who is Jesus? A Six-Week Study for Tweens by Carol McDonough & Marcia Stoner. Tweens will explore what it means to have God with us in our daily human experience.
Why Jesus for Me? A Six-Week Study for Tweens by Carol McDonough & Marcia Stoner. Six sessions will explore Jesus and why we celebrate his birth, death, and resurrection and their meaning to us.
The 24/7 Experience: A DVD Curriculum on Following Jesus Every Day. Students become part of the trip as they watch seven of their peers travel across the country to meet with some radical Jesus-followers.
Why Jesus? Answering the Tough Questions About Our Savior by David Nasser. David Nasser addresses the tough questions that students have about Jesus and points them back to the scriptural truths about our Savior.
Jesus Christ for Youth by Robert T. Conn. Youth will meet Jesus Christ in a personal, meaningful, and life-changing way and will immerse them in Jesus’ life and teachings.
3V Bible Study for Youth. 3 Views to use as tools in this series for youth Bible study: What’s the Text? What’s the Context? What’s Next? There are several studies in this series including three on Jesus Christ.
For Children
These curricula, activity books, and DVDs can be used to teach children about Jesus.

Marked: A Mission Journey with Jesus in the Gospel of Mark by Rita Hays. Children ages five to twelve are invited on a journey where they will discover the power of God through this fast-paced Gospel of Mark.
Jesus Loves Me! 13 Lessons Introducing Preschoolers to God. Preschoolers will understand God’s love and that Jesus is the ultimate expression of that love.
Touch the Water, Taste the Bread (CD-ROM). Introduce children ages 4-8 to the sacraments, the Bible story about Jesus’ baptism, and the Bible story about the Last Supper.
All-in-One Bible Fun: Stories of Jesus by LeeDell Stickler, Daphna Flegal. Thirteen Bible lessons exploring the life and ministry of Jesus with opening, story, activity, and craft. Separate books for elementary and preschool children are available.
Sharing God’s Love: The Jesus Creed for Children by Scot McKnight and Laura McKnight Barringer. Join Aksel and Finley throughout their day at home and school as they discover how to live out the Jesus Creed, remembering: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.”
The Jesus Storybook Bible (DVD). The multiple award-winning Jesus Storybook Bible, written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago, as short animated story videos. Volumes 3 and 4 cover the life of Jesus.
Jesus: He Lived Among Us (DVD). A dramatic, animated retelling of the life of Jesus Christ as seen through the eyes of the last surviving apostle, John.
The Good Steward’s Craft Book: We Remember Jesus by Carolyn Willmore. A book with children’s craft projects featuring recycled materials.
Earth Day
Earth Day is on April 22nd. Use these resources to help your congregation learn how and why to care for God’s creation.
Introduction to Creation Care

Serving God, Saving the Planet: A Call to Care for Creation and Your Soul (DVD) by J. Matthew Sleeth. A 12-session small group Bible study that provides simple, everyday ways to focus on stewardship and sustainability according to Scripture.
Organic Wesley: A Christian Perspective on Food, Farming, and Faith (DVD) by William C. Guerrant, Jr. Examines the intersection of the teachings of John Wesley with the ethics of the contemporary food movement.
Climate Justice: A Call to Hope and Action edited by Pat Watkins. This study invites you to understand climate justice, which means setting right our relationships with each other and the earth. Youth and children’s versions are also available.
A Hopeful Earth: Faith, Science, and the Message of Jesus by Sally Dyck and Sarah Ehrman. Bridge the gap between Jesus and the environment and guide readers in understanding that living as good stewards of God’s creation is a significant component of what it means to follow Jesus.
Earth Days (DVD). Director Robert Stone examines the revolutionary achievements – and missed opportunities – of a decade of groundbreaking activism.
Let’s Talk Faith & Climate: Communication Guidance for Faith Leaders (Download PDF) by Kirra Krygsman and Meighen Speiser. This guide synthesizes the latest academic research and message testing on climate communications from across the social sciences into a practical guide to support meaningful discussions on climate change and faith among individuals and groups.
Going Deeper

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming edited by Paul Hawken. An international coalition of researchers, professionals, and scientists come together to offer a set of realistic and bold solutions to climate change.
Hospitable Planet: Faith, Action, and Climate Change by Stephen A. Jurovics. Provides both a compelling biblical case for action on climate change and identifies substantive measures to mitigate climate change and how to achieve their implementation.
Watershed Discipleship: Reinhabiting Bioregional Faith and Practice edited by Ched Myers. This book recognizes we are in a watershed historical moment of crisis, focuses on our intrinsically bioregional locus as followers of Jesus, and urges us to become disciples of our watersheds.
Landscape Liturgies: Resources to Celebrate and Bless the Earth by Nick Mayhew-Smith with Sarah Brush. Outdoor worship material drawn from 2,000 years of outdoor Christian practice.
Reforesting Faith: What Trees Teach Us About the Nature of God and His Love for Us by Matthew Sleeth. Sleeth makes the convincing case why trees are essential to every Christian’s understanding of God.
Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action edited by Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, Jennifer Listug. The authors present a challenge and an opportunity in the vision launched in this modest book. That vision is about creating an Order of the Sacred Earth.