Disciple Bible Studies are known as deep, long-term, intensive commitments, and they are, but other options are available to make this life-changing study available to all types of groups.
Many churches like to start Disciple study groups in the Fall when churchgoers are returning to a more consistent commitment to church. As more churches are opening after being closed during the pandemic, Fall 2021 is a great time to provide meaningful bible study that may have been missed while we were quarantined.
The Disciple Bible Study series is published by Abingdon Press, a United Methodist publisher, and it is written and taught by United Methodist leaders. It is a deep exploration of the Bible and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Explore the options that are available for every size and type of small group and even individual study.
Original Series
- 34 weeks
- 30 minutes per day of home study
- 2.5-hour weekly meetings
The original Disciple Bible Study series is still available and widely-used today. Each study in the four-part series is 34 weeks long and requires a deep commitment from participants that involves weekly meetings and daily home study. Each study makes use of a DVD, Teacher Helps, and Study Manual along with other materials. A handbook overview is also available.

Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (aka “the red one”) covers the entire Bible (Old and New Testaments) following the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem. This study also uses an Implementation Resource. Spanish versions of the Study Manual and Handbook are also available.
Disciple II: Into the Word into the World (aka “the green one”) offers a deeper examination of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts, emphasizing the rhythm of coming to God and going for God . . . approaching all experiences of life as opportunities for faithful witness and service. This study also uses a Resource Library.
Disciple III: Remember Who You Are (aka “the purple one”) studies the Old Testament prophets, with the exception of Daniel, and the thirteen letters traditionally attributed to Paul. To establish the historical context in which the prophets spoke for God, daily reading assignments draw also on the books of Deuteronomy through Chronicles. The study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find common themes, including calls to remember, calls to repent, calls for renewal, and calls for community. This study also uses a Context Portfolio.
Disciple IV: Under the Tree of Life (aka “the yellow one”) studies the Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude, and finally, Revelation. Participants will see the entire process of living toward final completion of rest and reward. A focus on the Psalms leads naturally to an emphasis on worship in this study.
Fast Track
- 24 weeks
- 3-5 chapters of daily Bible reading
- 75-minute weekly meetings

For groups that need less of a time commitment, consider the “Fast Track” version of the original studies. These condensed versions provide a viable option for busy people seeking comprehensive engagement over time with the entire biblical text. Fast Track groups meet for a total of 24 weeks. Participants read a manageable 3-5 chapters of the Bible daily in preparation for shorter weekly meetings. Fast Track versions are available for all of the original Disciple Bible Studies except for the fourth one, Under the Tree of Life.

Sunday School Class
- 34 weeks
- 30 minutes per day of home study
- 50-minute weekly meetings
You can even study the first Disciple, Becoming Who You Are, in your regular Sunday School class! A Disciple Sunday school class will use the Study Manual to guide daily Bible readings, reflect together on Bible readings, themes, and life applications, view and discuss the DVD presentation, and close by praying for one another. You can accomplish all of these group activities in a 50-minute meeting. The instructions for using this format are in the Sunday School Teacher book.

Personal Study
- 34 weeks
- 30 minutes per day of home study
- Weekly personal review sessions
The first Disciple study is also available for personal study. Just like the course designed for groups, the personal study involves daily Bible reading. Instead of meeting with a group every week, you will schedule time for personal review and contemplation that will incorporate the components of a group meeting. You will need the Study Manual and a Personal Study Guide. The DVD is optional.
Additional Disciple Studies
- 30 weeks
- Daily Bible reading and reflection
- Weekly group meetings

Following a similar format to Disciple, Jesus in the Gospels and Christian Believer tackle specific topics that are crucial to Christian faith. Jesus in the Gospels studies all four Gospels and the person of Jesus Christ. Christian Believer focuses on classical teachings of the Christian faith—presenting, explaining and interpreting them in a way that participants can understand, through the use of words, symbols, and hymns. Each study is 30 weeks long and uses a DVD, Study Manual, and an additional book of readings.
Short-Term Studies
- 8-11 weeks
- Daily Bible reading
- 60-90 minute weekly group meeting
And if you just can’t make the 20+ week commitment yet, get an introduction to the Disciple format in one of their short-term studies. There are six options: Old Testament, New Testament, Genesis, Psalms, John, and Romans. These studies embody the same trusted scholarship as the Disciple foundational studies and include the same core activities: independent reading, weekly small groups, and video presentations by scholars.
Complete List and Availability
A complete list of all of the Disciple Bible Study resources available to borrow from the Media Center is found in our Disciple Bible Studies pathfinder. This list will also show you what is currently available, but do not hesitate to request to get on the waiting list.
You can also find a complete list of Disciple Bible Study resources available to order from Cokesbury on their website. The Media Center does not loan Study Manuals for participants.
Request These Resources
These resources can be borrowed by anyone associated with the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, free of charge. We can even mail them to you! All you need to do is fill out the Resource Request Form.