At the intersection of faith and art, a new documentary called Theirs Is The Kingdom follows the rare creation of a fresco mural painted inside the sanctuary of Haywood Street United Methodist Church in Asheville, NC.
Haywood Street is an economically diverse congregation where the wealthy worship alongside the poor. The fresco is a painting not of the rich and powerful, but of people in this congregation who are battling homelessness, addiction, and mental illness. From first sketch to final unveiling, the viewer witnesses the difficulties of this ancient artistic technique while also meeting an ensemble cast of rich, complex characters.
Watch an exclusive 12-minute “sneak peek” clip here: https://vimeo.com/457320263 (Password: fresco)
Join Us for the Online Screening & Live Q&A
The 60-minute film will be freely available for all NC Conference members from June 21-June 30 as part of a limited-release virtual screening event. Grab your small group, church staff, or congregation to watch the film and use the free discussion guide to reflect on its meaning in your context.
Haywood Street UMC founding pastor Rev. Brian Combs and the film’s director, Chris Zaluski, will also be conducting a virtual Q&A event on Thursday, June 24 from 7-8pm. Some of you may remember Rev. Combs from when he spoke at the NC Preaching Festival.
To register for the free screening and the Q&A, please visit the event screening page. Donations to support the ministries of Haywood Street UMC will be accepted during registration.

Host Your Own Screening
In addition to the NC Conference screening event, the film team is launching a “Host A Screening” campaign to bring the film to communities and congregations around North Carolina. They’ve created a screening kit that includes all the tools necessary to host a successful event, either virtually or in person: discussion guide (created in conjunction with Haywood Street UMC), digital download, license to publicly exhibit the film, and marketing materials to promote the event. Request a screening at your church or in your community by visiting the “Store” on the event screening page or theirsisthekingdomfilm.com/host-screening.
More Information
For more information, to watch a trailer, or to inquire about screening opportunities, visit the film’s website (theirsisthekingdomfilm.com) or reach out to: chris@sharedstorycollective.com.