The United Methodist Church lost two great teachers and leaders recently with the passings of Dr. Mickey Efird and Rev. Junius Dotson.
Dr. Efird was a Duke Divinity Professor and Course of Study teacher who taught many of our NC Conference clergy. He also taught many laypeople in churches throughout our conference with his DVD Bible studies and books. Read more about Dr. Efird in his online memorial.
Rev. Junius Dotson was the General Secretary of Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church. Under his leadership, the general agency created a new intentional discipleship program that can be implemented in any church. Read more about Rev. Dotson in the United Methodist News Service article about his passing. An online memorial service is planned for March 6th at 12:00pm and will be recorded.
A Legacy of Resources
Publications by both Dr. Efird and Rev. Dotson can be borrowed from the NC Conference Media Center. These DVD studies and books can be used by small groups and ministry leaders to deepen Christian faith, make disciples, and grow the church.
Resources by Dr. Efird
In the Efird Bible Study Series, Dr. Efird recorded many lectures that dive deep into books of the Bible. These DVD studies have been very popular with our churches over the years. Most of the studies include a participant workbook. Find a complete list of these studies in our collection in the Efird Bible Study Series pathfinder.
We also have a few concise books written by Dr. Efird:
- Left Behind? What the Bible Really Says about the End Times
- End-Times: Rapture, Antichrist, Millennium
- Revelation for Today
- Marriage and Divorce: What the Bible Says
Resources by Rev. Dotson
In 2019, Rev. Dotson published a very helpful DVD study, Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness that recounted his own story through grief, depression, burnout, and emotional breakdown. In this churchwide study for all ages, Rev. Dotson reveals a balance of work, rest, play, worship, exercise, and eating well—spiritual practices that keep our souls hydrated and healthy as we do the work of the church in the world.
Resources for Rev. Dotson’s intentional discipleship program can be found online at We have a few of these print books in our collection:
- Developing an Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Congregations
- Engaging Your Community: A Guide to Seeing All the People
- Developing an Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Youth Ministry
Request These Resources
These resources can be borrowed for free by anyone involved with a United Methodist Church in the North Carolina Conference. We will mail them to your home! All you need to do is fill out the Resource Request Form.
Featured Image by Henryk Niestrój from Pixabay