Latest Updates
Last Month in the NC Conference: July 2022
We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the […] Continue Reading→
A Day of Learning: Leading During Anxious Times
The Center for Leadership Excellence presents a Day of Learning with Craig Gilliam from Just Peace… Continue Reading→
Flood Response in Kentucky
On July 27 and 28, a devastating flood caused by heavy rain impacted homes, businesses, and communities in eastern Kentucky. The Kentucky Conference is working with UMCOR and other organizations […] Continue Reading→
UMC Portion of Boy Scouts’ Bankruptcy Ruling Approved
A 281-page ruling last Friday in the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) bankruptcy proceedings indicates that most of the reorganization plan meets the criteria of bankruptcy law and is constitutional. […] Continue Reading→
Honorary Membership Recognition for Rev. Dennis Cecil Lamm
Honorary Membership RecognitionSoutheastern Jurisdiction Historical SocietyJuly 2022The Rev. Dennis Cecil Lamm The recipient of an Honorary Membership in the Southeastern Jurisdiction Historical Society is The Rev. Dennis C. Lamm of […] Continue Reading→
A Covenant for Virtual Conversations
This Virtual Conversational Covenant is for creating safer, sacred space for all participants. Your presence indicates your agreement to abide by the following Conversational Covenant: Continue Reading→
A Prayer for the Missional People of God
Gracious God, You have called us your own. Once we were no people, but now we are yours. Water-washed, spirit-born, chosen, beloved. You embrace us with a love that is […] Continue Reading→
Is Cuba calling?
Jim Smith, from the South Carolina Conference, needs 5 team members for a work team to Cuba, November 12 – November 20, 2022. The cost per person is $2000.00. Work […] Continue Reading→
NCCUMC Youth Week Recap
On July 11, 135 youth from across the North Carolina Conference gathered at North Carolina Wesleyan University in Rocky Mount for the inaugural session of NCCUMC Youth Week. These youth, […] Continue Reading→