Immigration / Inmigración
The Book of Resolutions states in its “Welcoming the Migrant to the U.S.” section (4271), “To refuse to welcome migrants to this country—and to stand by in silence while families are separated, individual freedoms are ignored, and the migrant community in the United States is demonized by members of Congress and the media—is complicity to sin…
“The United Methodist Church affirms the worth, dignity, and inherent value and rights of all persons regardless of their nationality or legal status. United Methodist churches throughout the United States are urged to build bridges with migrants in their local communities, to learn from them, celebrate their presence in the United States and recognize and appreciate the contributions in all areas of life that migrants bring.”
What follows are action items; here are some excerpts:
- Advocate for legislation that will uphold the civil and human rights of all migrants in the U.S.
- Begin English classes as part of a ministry to migrant communities
- Denounce and oppose the rise of xenophobic, racist, and violent reactions against migrants
- Welcome newly arriving immigrants into our congregations
- Oppose the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico
- Call the U.S. government to immediately cease all arrests, detainment, and deportations
- Provide pastoral care and crisis intervention to refugees and newly arrived migrants
- Work with civic and legal organizations to support migrant communities
- Support churches that prayerfully choose to offer sanctuary to undocumented migrants
- Continue the work of the United Methodist Task Force on Immigration
Read the statement on Migrants, Immigrants and Refugees in the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church
“We affirm the dignity, worth and rights of migrants, immigrants and refugees, including displaced and stateless people. In so doing, we acknowledge that the world today is facing an unprecedented crisis related to the displacement of vast numbers of people due to such factors as ongoing wars and other hostilities, foreign interventions, widespread famine and hunger, global warming and climate change, and the failure of nation-states to adequately protect and care for their people.
We recognize that displaced people are particularly vulnerable as their inbetween status often provides them with few protections and benefits, leaving them open to exploitation, violence and abuse. We urge United Methodists to welcome migrants, refugees, and immigrants into their congregations and to commit themselves to providing concrete support, including help with navigating restrictive and often lengthy immigration policies, and assistance with securing food, housing, education, employment and other kinds of support.
We oppose all laws and policies that attempt to criminalize, dehumanize or punish displaced individuals and families based on their status as migrants, immigrants or refugees. Additionally, we decry attempts to detain displaced people and hold them in inhumane and unsanitary conditions. We challenge policies that call for the separation of families, especially parents and minor children, and we oppose the existence of for-profit detention centers for such purposes.” – The United Methodist Book of Discipline 2024/2024, ¶ 163
Staff Representative
Rhonda Grant Jordan
Webinar Recordings
Hope & Action
Bishop Shelton & Doug Thie
The session is designed to equip congregations to become more hospitable to migrant and immigrant communities while fostering understanding, hope, and solidarity. Download the Slides (PDF)→
Upcoming Events
🙏 Pray. Accompany. Give.
Help meet the needs of our neighbors who are suffering as a result of current immigration policies.
⚖️ Know Your Rights
All people living in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, have certain U.S. Constitutional rights.
See the following English files from the American Immigration Lawyers Association.
Vea los siguientes archivos en español de la Asociación Americana de Abogados de Inmigración.
📚 Resources
The following articles, files, and websites offer resources on immigration.
Helpful Files & Links
View resources helpful for immigrant community members.
UMC-Related Info
See resources from The United Methodist Church.
- Apex Immigration Services
- NC Immigration Law & Justice Center
- Applications Open for 2025 Mustard Seed Migration Grant Program
- ResourceUMC: Immigration and Global Migration
- GCORR Joins More than Two Dozen Christian and Jewish Denominations and Associations in a Lawsuit to Protect Religious Freedoms
- Solidarity With The Sojourner Webinar Recording & Resources
From the NC Conference Media Center
Borrow books and DVDs from the NC Conference Media Center.
📝 Latest Updates
Recent posts from the NC Conference related to Immigration.
Hope & Action Webinar Recording Now Available
Watch the recording of the “Hope and Action: Resourcing Congregations for Hospitality” webinar from February 12, 2025. This event provided a vital space for all our congregations, especially English-speaking congregations, […] Continue Reading→
Hope and Action: Resourcing Congregations for Hospitality / Esperanza y Acción: Recursos Para la Comunidad Inmigrante
The Hispanic-Latinx Committee of the NC Conference invites pastors, congregations, and church members to two webinars designed to provide hospitality and legal information for immigrants living in the United States. […] Continue Reading→