Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course


This Zoom course is open to all laity. The Beacon district is offering a discount to anyone who registers for both this course and Living Our United Methodist Beliefs(UM History) the following week. Anyone who completes both courses will have all the needed coursework to become a certified lay servant.


Public Prayer


The Harbor district LSM team is pleased to present this course, open to all UMC laity. Anyone who is called upon to lead public prayer may feel anxious and possibly inadequate for such a task. This course offers help for novices as well as veteran leaders of prayer as they create and deliver appropriate prayers in public settings.


Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course

Genesis UMC 850 High House Rd, Cary, North Carolina

This Fairway district LSM team is pleased to present this course open to all laity and is a great way to learn about the many ways laity can answer their call to ministry in the UMC. This course is required for all laity seeking certification as a lay servant, lay speaker, or lay minister.


Called to Preach

Hertford UMC 200 Dobbs Street, Hertford, North Carolina

The Beacon District LSM team is pleased to present this course, open to all laity. In addition, it meets the preaching requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers. This course also counts as an “advanced course” for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.


Life Together in the United Methodist Connection (Polity)


The Fairway district Lay Servant Ministries team presents Life Together in the UM Connection. This advanced course meets the polity requirement for those who wish to become certified lay speakers or certified lay ministers. It also counts as an advanced course for certified lay servants and renewals. All are welcome!
